Uncle John's Bathroom Reader Golden Plunger Awards

Uncle John's Bathroom Reader Golden Plunger Awards by Bathroom Readers’ Institute

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Agriculture Dan Glickman.
    • Guinness World Records says that the “World’s Largest Popcorn Ball” was created in October 2006 by a company called The Popcorn Factory. It weighed 3,423 pounds, measured 8 feet in diameter, and had a circumference of 24 feet, 6 inches.
    • Popcorn is a whole grain and contains fiber. If you don’t drown it in butter, it’s a healthy low-calorie snack.

    Best Movie Taglines
    A picture is worth a thousand words—or at least five or six really good ones.
    Movie posters excite movie buffs and collectors, who value the art as a snapshot in time of culture and society. In 2005, a collector bought an original movie poster for Metropolis , Fritz Lang’s 1927 science fiction classic for $690,000—the highest price ever paid for a movie poster. But the words on the posters also help to excite interest in an upcoming movie. According to one film industry marketing executive, a good tagline reinforces a film’s iconic image. The words suggest the experience that awaits the viewer, and are themselves an art worthy of recognition. In some cases, the tagline is more memorable than the poster it’s printed on—and sometimes it’s even better than the movie.
    Los Angeles design firms employ copywriters to come up with the words to sum up a movie. They brainstorm the concepts and words months in advance of the poster’s release. As the first step in the process, ad copy can cement the direction for a motion picture’s multimillion-dollar-marketing campaign. The tagline’s goal is always the same: entice, lure viewers in, and don’t give away too much.
    Since 1971, Hollywood Reporter has been honoring creative movie marketing at its annual Key Art Awards, but it was only in 2004 that a category was added for the best copy line. So far, the paper has honored the following:
    • 2004: The Incredibles (“No gut, no glory”).
    • 2005: Scary Movie 3 (“You’ll die to see these rings”).
    • 2006: The 40-Year-Old Virgin (“The longer you wait, the harder it gets”).

    Perhaps the best-known tagline, though, comes from a movie that was first a major best-selling book that scared people out of the ocean. In 1975, thousands of people heeded the warning of Jaws ’s tagline: “Don’t go in the water.” Three years later, the poster for Jaws 2 , released in 1978, used another effective tagline: “Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water . . .”
    Jaws 2 ’s tagline stands out in movie history for many reasons:
    • It became an international catchphrase—one that’s still in use.
    • It’s better than the image on the poster. (Everyone remembers the first movie’s shocking depiction of an easygoing swimmer unaware of a rapidly approaching shark. But few recall Jaws 2 ’s picture of a water skier being trailed by a giant great white.)
    • Jaws 2 is a terrible movie. Vincent Canby, writing in the New York Times , remarked that the movie “simply drones on and on and on” and the shark “looks like something one might ride at Disneyland.” But the tagline built up enough excitement to make the film the highest-grossing sequel ever up until then.

    Many movie taglines employ the fear factor. Our other favorite scary taglines:
    • “Pray for Rosemary’s Baby.” Rosemary’s Baby (1968)
    • “There’s only one thing wrong with the Davis’ baby . . . it’s Alive.” It’s Alive (1974)
    • “In space, no one can hear you scream.” Alien (1979)
    • “They’re heeere . . .” Poltergeist (1982)
    • “Be afraid. Be very afraid.” The Fly (1986)
    • “After a decade of silence . . . the buzz is back!” Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986)
    • “To enter the mind of a killer, she must challenge the mind of a madman.” The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
    • “We dare you again.” Saw II (2005)

    Movie taglines aren’t always out to scare you,

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