Uncaged Desire: A MMA Sports Romance

Uncaged Desire: A MMA Sports Romance by Krista Reeds

Book: Uncaged Desire: A MMA Sports Romance by Krista Reeds Read Free Book Online
Authors: Krista Reeds
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things and then pulled up a paper that was due soon, checking my cell every 15 minutes hoping to see at least a text from Lucas.  After two hours of working on my paper I still had not heard from him and I tried not to feel sad about it but I couldn’t help it.  Nothing good could come from his ex-girlfriend unexpectedly meeting him at the airport.
    I went out to grab some dinner around 7:00 and when I got back I decided to call Sophie to see if she had gotten any info from Zach.  I was surprised that she didn’t call me the second she got home.  Her phone went to voicemail so I just left her a quick message asking her to call me back.  She usually got back to me right away and when I didn’t hear from her by 9:30, I sent her a text.  An hour later when I had not heard from Lucas or Sophie I decided to go to bed.  There was no one else I could talk to about Lucas because Sophie was the only person who knew what was going on with us.  She must have had a good reason for not calling because it wasn’t like her to not call when something major happened like an ex-girlfriend showing up out of the blue!
    Talking to my mom about it was out of the question so I felt really alone.  Before I spiraled into a pit of sadness I turned off the lights and climbed into bed.  I told myself that everything would be better the next day.
    The next morning the first thing I did was check my phone for any missed calls or texts.  There was still nothing from Lucas but Sophie sent a text around midnight apologizing for not getting back to me sooner and said she would call me later.  I got ready for class and the sadness I felt the day before was replaced with anger as I thought about everything Lucas had said to me that last couple of days in Mexico.  I should have known better.  Lucas was still the same pompous asshole I thought he was when I first met him.  I felt used, hurt, and pissed all at the same time.  I should have never let Lucas Ryan touch me.  I grabbed my bag and practically stormed out of my apartment.  As I waited for the elevator I was seething.
    I was done with classes around 3:30 and went to the coffee shop near campus to meet my mom.  I really wasn’t in the mood to hear all about her wedding especially with everything that was going on with Lucas, but I didn't have a choice.  I didn't even want to think about the fact that I would have to be around him for the wedding so I pushed that part out of my mind and decided I would deal with that later.  She was waiting for me when I got there and I don’t know if I had ever seen her look more nervous.  I thought it was really cute that my mom was nervous about getting married and I was going to tell her that but she started talking before I even sat down.
    “I need to talk to you about something, honey.”
    My mom didn’t call me ‘honey’ very often so I knew something was wrong.
    I looked at her, holding her gaze.
    “Mom, what’s wrong?”
    She let out a deep sigh as her eyes filled with tears.  “I broke up with Arty.”
    I was dumbfounded.  “What?!  Wait, you broke up with him ?”
    Her blood shot eyes looked so sad.
    “Mom, why?  He is such a nice guy and he’s crazy about you!”
    She let out a deep sigh and could barely look at me.
    “I know.  Your father came back begging me to forgive him, practically crawling on his knees.  He said he felt bad for the way he treated me, and you, over the years and he wants his family back.  He apologized over and over and said that he’s changed.”
    I looked at her in disbelief.  There is no way I just heard what I thought she just said.
    “You’re not serious.”
    “Yes, I am,” she said slowly.
    “Mom. Are you insane?  Arty is a really nice man, not to mention he’s loaded!  He just paid for my Spring Break!  I know money isn’t everything but it doesn’t hurt that he happens to have a lot of

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