Uncaged Desire: A MMA Sports Romance

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Book: Uncaged Desire: A MMA Sports Romance by Krista Reeds Read Free Book Online
Authors: Krista Reeds
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really want you to move in so you guys can spend some time together and really get to know each other.”
    I shook my head.  “I’m not doing it, mom.  Sorry.”
    She let out another deep sigh and I could see that she was frustrated with me.  I didn’t care.  She sprung all of that shit on me and expected me to be all happy jolly about it?  That wasn’t going to happen.
    I pushed away from the table, stood up and looked at her.
    “I have to go.  I need to think about all of this.”
    “Okay, I will call you tomorrow to talk about it some more.”
    I was in a total daze as I walked out of the coffee shop, all sorts of emotions running through me.  I needed to talk to Sophie and, thankfully, she answered when I called her.
    “Hey, are you busy right now?”
    “No, just studying a little bit.  I was going to call you later about what happened yesterday.  That was weird about Lucas’s ex, huh?  Zach said…” 
    “Can I come over?”  I had to cut her off.  I couldn’t deal with that stuff right then.
    “Yeah, of course.  Are you okay?  You sound funny.”
    “I need someone to talk to.”
    “Okay, come on over.”
    “Thanks, I’ll see you in a few minutes.”
    Sophie lived in a cool condo near campus so it took less than 10 minutes to walk over there.  She greeted me with a big smile that instantly fell when she saw the look on my face.  She pulled me over to the couch and gave me her full attention.
    “Kinsley, what is wrong?”
    I took a deep breath and slowly let it out.  “My mother broke up with Arty.”
    Her expression changed from shock to glee within seconds.  “Okay, first, I’m sorry that they broke up, but second, that is great news for you and Lucas!”
    I gave her a look and she took her excitement down a few notches.
    “That’s not the end of the story.  My father came back into the picture and wants to marry my mom; that’s why she broke up with Arty.  And she is moving in with him.  Movers are coming next weekend to move everything out of our apartment and she wants me to move in with them.  Can you believe that?  My life is so screwed right now.  There is no way I can live in the same house as that man!  He probably thinks he can tell me what to do and he can’t!  I don’t know what to do, Sophie.”
    I started crying and she put her arm around me, trying to comfort me.
    “Wow, that is just crazy!  Well calm down, we’ll figure something out.  Man, that is a ton of stuff for you to digest right after our trip to Mexico.”
    I wiped my eyes and looked at her.  “That’s another thing.  I haven’t heard from Lucas.  After everything that happened in Mexico that asshole hasn’t called me.  He’s such a dick.  I should have known better.”
    She gave me a curious look.  “What happened in Mexico?”
    “Before I tell you that were you able to find out anything about the ex?”
    “Yes, a little bit.  But first I want to say I’m sorry for not calling you about it last night.  I know you were probably freaking out so I’m really sorry.”
    “What happened?  I thought you’d call me the second you got home.”
    “I ended up hanging out with Zach until almost 2:00 a.m.”
    My eyes were as big as saucers.  “What?!”
    She smiled and giggled at my reaction.  “Yeah, he’s a pretty cool guy and we actually have a lot in common.”
    “Wow, are you going to see him again?”
    “I hope so.  I would love to see him again.  I don’t know why I didn’t notice him more in Mexico.”
    “Because you were on a mission to find someone you would not have to see again in Mexico.  Wow, well this is pretty cool.  Zach is a good guy.”
    “Yeah, he seems to be.  We’ll see.  So, Sarah, she’s kind of bad news.”
    I looked at her afraid to hear more.  “Why, what did Zach tell you?”
    “Well, she

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