Unbridled Pursuit (Novak Springs Book 2)

Unbridled Pursuit (Novak Springs Book 2) by Dawn Brower

Book: Unbridled Pursuit (Novak Springs Book 2) by Dawn Brower Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Brower
wipe my hands once and for all of that woman. I feel sorry for the baby. It’s got a lot to deal with having her as a mother.”
    “I understand your feelings. I wish this could have ended sooner.” She tapped her fingers on the steering wheel as she talked. “Have you had any luck with Emma?”
    “Well, Missy had to drag it out as long as possible. Get her kicks in while she could.” Colt let out a long drawn out sigh. “Emma’s still refusing to talk to me. I wish I could get her to sit down long enough to show her the proof. She never lets me get a word in. Either she refuses my phone calls outright or walks in the other direction as soon as she notices me. Part of me wants to give up.”
    “Don’t give up yet. I’ll try and talk to her again when I go to the ranch next week.” Vitoria frowned. Damn Emma, she had to see reason at some point.
    “In the meantime we have a court date to have the judge dismiss the paternity case in a couple of weeks. Missy had the baby a couple of months ago. We’ve been waiting for the results to push forward. Her attorney kept postponing the hearing, but he’s all out of chances. The judge refused his last one. I need to go over everything with you before we have to go to court. What is a good day you can meet with me?”
    “I’m free now,” he replied.
    She needed some time to decompress. She had a date with Miguel later. On top of all of her business needs, she needed to also locate a salon to get her nails repainted. She kept playing with the chip on her nail, and it grew each time she tapped at it. “I’m not though. Can you meet me next week?”
    “Sure, what day?”
    Vitoria put the phone on speaker and pulled up her calendar. Her schedule was tight for the next several days. “Monday would probably be best. I’ll e-mail you with the details—location and such, in a few days. In the meantime, stay out of trouble. I don’t have a lot of time to deal with any hiccups.”
    “Sounds good,” he agreed. “I’ll see you next week.”
    Vitoria clicked End on her phone and put it back in her purse. That was one detail she managed to get checked off her list. She needed to find an appropriate meeting place to discuss the case with Colt. It needed to be private enough that no one would overhear them.
    Comfort while they talked would be an added bonus—she needed to scout the area. Maybe she could furnish her new office space enough for them to have a discussion. Some of the office furniture from her old office would be shipped over. She liked her desk and didn’t really want a new one. Nails first though, because she didn’t know how much time she’d have to get ready for her date after she left her office.

Chapter Twelve
    Vitoria ran her fingers through her hair and sighed. She had a lot to do and so very little time to accomplish it all. The first thing on her agenda was to scout out furniture for her office and get it delivered. She'd finished going through her office again. One more look to access again what items she needed to fill the rooms. She sat in the driver side of her rental car. Her key ring rattled in her hand as she pressed the start button on the remote.
    Her phone began to vibrate in her purse so she pulled it out to see the realtor’s number on her caller ID.
    “Ms. Miene, it’s Trish.”
    Finally, maybe she would have some good news. “Yes, have you heard back from Miss. Dearborn?”
    “I have. She gave me the go ahead to show you the property. Can you still meet me this evening after I get off work?”
    She was scheduled to meet Miguel at seven for dinner. So it should in theory give her time to look at a couple of condos and then get back to her hotel to get ready for her date. “Yes. I’ll meet you at the first location.”
    “Good, you still have the address I wrote down. I will see you later on.” She paused to take a breath. “If you like one of them, I can draw up the paperwork tomorrow. Once it is completed, you

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