By All Means Necessary

By All Means Necessary by Elizabeth Economy Michael Levi

Book: By All Means Necessary by Elizabeth Economy Michael Levi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Economy Michael Levi
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    Â© Elizabeth C. Economy and Michael Levi 2014
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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Economy, Elizabeth, 1962–
By all means necessary: how China’s resource quest is changing the world / by Elizabeth C. Economy and
Michael Levi.
pages cm
Summary: “In the past thirty years, China has transformed from an impoverished country where peasants comprised the largest portion of the populace, to an economic power with an expanding middle class and more megacities than anywhere else on earth. Like every other major power in modern history, China is looking outward to find the massive quantities of resources needed to maintain its economic expansion; it is now engaged in a far flung quest around the world for fuel, ores, water, and land for farming. Chinese traders and investors buy commodities, with consequences for economies, people, and the environment around the world. Meanwhile the Chinese military aspires to secures sea lanes, and Chinese diplomats struggle to protect the country’s interests abroad. In By All Means Necessary, Elizabeth Economy and Michael Levi explore the unrivaled expansion of the Chinese economy and what has been required to sustain this meteoric growth. Clear, authoritative, and provocative, By All Means Necessary is a sweeping account of where China’s pursuit of raw materials may take the country in the coming years and what the consequences will be—not just for China, but for the whole world”— Provided by publisher.
ISBN 978–0–19–992178–2 (hardback) 1. Natural resources—Government policy—China.
2. China—Foreign economic relations. 3. China—Economic conditions—2000– 4. China—
Economic policy. 5. National security—China. I. Levi, Michael A. II. Title.
HC427.5.E36 2014
    1 3 5 7 9 8 6 4 2
Printed in the United States of America
on acid-free paper

    THIS IS A WIDE-RANGING book, necessitated by its subject matter: China’s resource quest extends from energy to minerals to land to water and is pursued to varying degrees through trade, investment, political maneuvering, and military means. Hence the title By All Means Necessary . Despite the broad nature of this book, though, it is not all encompassing. We do not dive into every one of the minerals China pursues or the countries with which it engages; instead we focus on representative examples. In addition, we do not investigate domestic Chinese resource consumption or production unless it

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