Unbefitting a Lady

Unbefitting a Lady by Bronwyn Scott

Book: Unbefitting a Lady by Bronwyn Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bronwyn Scott
waved back. It was Alicia, Jamie’s
widow. An idea came to her. Maybe she did know
someone who could help her. After all, Alicia had married her brother. Jamie had
courted her; they’d fallen in love against the tempestuous backdrop of a war.
Surely she knew something of men.
    ‘Is this your idea of riding?’ Phaedra teased good-naturedly as
she strode towards Alicia. ‘You’re supposed to be on the horse.’ Phaedra took
the reins from the petite blonde. It had been something of a surprise to
discover Jamie had married a woman who didn’t ride. Phaedra had always imagined
her brothers marrying avid equestrians like themselves. But neither Giles nor
Jamie had been inclined that way. Instead they’d both chosen vicars’
    ‘Did you have a good outing?’ Phaedra asked, trying to make
small talk before launching into her preferred topic of discussion. She didn’t
know Alicia very well and the family had not encouraged familiarity. Perhaps
Alicia would think it odd that she’d suddenly sought her out now.
    Alicia smiled a soft, happy smile that lit her face. ‘I did. I
returned some mending to Mr Everett and we shared a cup of tea. He’s a kind
man.’ Her gaze darted away and her next words rushed out as if she’d said too
much and was anxious to cover them up with explanations. ‘I think Mr Everett
understands how seldom a mother with a baby gets out. I enjoyed the chance to
talk with another adult.’
    But the light blush tingeing Alicia’s cheeks suggested there
was more to it than that. Phaedra tipped her head to peer at Alicia, sensing
there was more left unsaid. ‘Of course you did. It’s perfectly understandable.
It must get lonely in the Dower House.’ Mr Everett, the estate manager, was a nice man. He’d lived at Castonbury his whole
life and had taken over from his father. But Phaedra sensed the ‘nice’ she
associated with Mr Everett was not the same sort of ‘kind’ Alicia perceived. It
was almost as if she liked him in a manner that
transcended an acquaintance. Or, Phaedra thought, she was imagining things
simply because Bram had stirred up all nature of crazy sensations.
    ‘I hear you have a new colt in the stables.’ Alicia turned the
conversation away from herself. ‘And a new groom to help out Tom Anderson. I
caught a glimpse of him when I came for Makepeace today. In fact, he was the one
who recommended the gelding.’
    Phaedra nodded. Alicia had given her the perfect conversational
offering, but how to start? ‘Mr Basingstoke has made himself quite useful. He’s
been exercising Jamie’s horse, much to the relief of the stable boys.’ Phaedra
laughed a little here but Alicia gave her a vague smile, uncertain of the
humour. Phaedra had hoped talking about Jamie would open up the conversation. It
looked like she’d have to try harder.
    ‘Merlin’s a handful. Jamie was the only who could ride him. He
wouldn’t tolerate anyone, not even Edward or Giles. Did you ever see Jamie
    Alicia shook her head, her pale blue eyes suddenly sad. ‘Only
at a distance.’ She put a gloved hand on Phaedra’s arm. ‘I am sorry, my dear.
You all have counted on me to bring you precious memories of Jamie and I have
failed you miserably. We were together such a short time and our courtship was a
wartime whirlwind. For better or for worse, we didn’t know each other well in
the sense that we didn’t know each other’s histories, our likes and dislikes. I
could no more tell you his favourite colour than you could tell me mine.’ She
had one of those expressive faces that showed every genuine feeling. There could
be no doubt she felt her regret deeply.
    ‘What made you fall in love with my brother?’
    Alicia looked out over the fields, thinking, perhaps
remembering. Phaedra hoped she hadn’t conjured up too much sadness. Perhaps it
was still too painful for her to talk of Jamie. ‘We met at a dinner party,’
Alicia said after a while. ‘I think it was his laugh, his

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