TYCE 6 by Shareef Jaudon

Book: TYCE 6 by Shareef Jaudon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shareef Jaudon
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though.” Jax grinned.
    “Well if you didn’t I would really be disappointed. A man should always try to max out his opportunities in life. That’s why I already made a deal with the new buyer before anybody else could. Now, is there anything else you need from me?”
    Jax shook his head. “Naw Mack, I’m good from here.”
    “Good and like I said, do what you do, but do it better than him.”
    “I got it.” Jax nodded and walked away.
    As he opened the back door and stepped into the alley, he spotted Rachael smoking a cigarette. She was just where he had left her 20 minutes ago before his morning meeting with Mack. Despite his romantic feelings for her, he still treated her no different than anybody else when it came to business. He opened the door to his black Hummer and climbed up into the passenger seat, taking the time to look over at Rachael. She flipped her lengthy hair over her shoulder as she blew a cloud of smoke out the open window.
    “How’d it go baby?” She held her arm out of the window.
    Jax chose to ignore her question and get to his point. “Never mind that. Look, the next time you run your mouth to your uncle about what the fuck happens in our circle, I’ll break your fuckin’ jaw you understand me?”
    Rachael blinked slowly after hearing the tone in which he made the violent threat.
    “Okay, I’m sorry for doing that. It won’t happen again.” She dropped the half smoked cigarette on the asphalt behind the huge chrome 24 inch wheel.
    Jax pointed at her solemn face. “Good, cuz you don’t have to act like a fuckin’ reporter for action news. You need to worry about Angelique and not gettin’ your ass kicked again. Now , let’s go.”
    Rachael started the engine roughly, slammed the gear shift into D, and sped off a little too fast down the narrow alleyway. She was pissed about the Angelique comment. Every ounce of her being wanted to get a rematch with her new enemy. And that time she would finish what she started in that parking garage.

~Still Daddy
    I didn’t get off on killing people. Truthfully, I never clipped anybody that didn’t deserve it. Cancer, aids, diabetes, and any other life threatening disease were to slow for my taste. I couldn’t just let go and let God when it came to the niggas in the streets that violated me or mine. I had to dead them quick, clean, and fast when they pushed me. If I didn’t live by that code, I wouldn’t have made it past the age of 18, let alone live to see 27.
    However, taking care of my business for a living was my part time job now. My full time lifelong occupation was being a daddy to Khari. So, despite my busy schedule and an upcoming multi-million dollar heist on the horizon, I pushed the pause button to go with Angelique to my daughter’s doctor’s appointment. It was just a routine well baby check , but nonetheless, I made it a point to show up to make sure my baby girl was healthy.
    I walked into the sherbet orange patient room with my red 49ers hat covering the deep waves in my hair. I rocked buck skin colored shorts, a simple snug red T-shirt, and of course some limited edition red and tan Jordan’s with the proper socks riding low. I kept my outfits simple and I still stunted on niggas that spent their rent money on one outfit at the Crenshaw Mall.
    As I took my seat next to Angelique, I noticed the way she was looking me up and down. I gave Khari a kiss on her chubby cheek and squeezed her tiny thigh gently.
    “Can I have one of those too?” Angelique tapped the side of her face with her forefinger.
    I took off my hat and sat it on the seat next to me. “Ohhhh, you feelin’ left out?” I leaned over and pecked her cheek.
    “Yes , I am and thank you very much.” She poked her bottom lip out in a fake pout. “I was starting to think you didn’t like me anymore.”
    I smiled at her. “I don’t always like you , but I will always love you.”
    Angelique shifted Khari from one thigh to the other. She had a

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