Twisted Affair Vol. 3
Chapter 1
    I hated lying to my sister, but this was for her own good. At least, it had started out that way. The plan had made perfect sense when I'd come up with it. As soon as Livie had told me the name of the man she intended to marry, I had known I couldn't allow her to go through with it.
    The problem was, my sister was even more stubborn and hard-headed than me, no matter what she claimed to the contrary. Once she got something in her mind, it was impossible to get her to change it. Unless she felt as if she'd been wronged, she wouldn't let go. Her word meant a lot to her, but she wasn't someone who allowed people to walk over her.
    I had hoped to use her idealism against her. If I could prove Blayne wasn't the man she claimed he was, there was a chance I could get her to annul the marriage, especially since it hadn't been consummated.
    Unfortunately, I hadn't gotten the chance to put things into play before the wedding, but once they'd arrived home after the honeymoon, I'd known I had no choice. Livie had actually stopped speaking to me while she was in Europe, annoyed that I continued to question her decision. I wanted the old Livie back. I needed her to see Blayne as the arrogant, spoiled playboy I'd heard about. Not the kind, charming, though slightly irresponsible, man Livie believed him to be.
    I had a foolproof plan to prove it. At least I thought it was guaranteed. I hadn't considered the possibility of it completely flopping because Livie hadn't told Blayne about me. After all, why wouldn’t she tell him she had a twin sister? I'd counted on him figuring out who I was after our first night together. But we'd had sex twice now and it was clear he still thought I was Livie.
    Now I couldn't tell her I'd slept with her husband; I didn't want to be the bad guy. Sure, she would've been annoyed at me once Blayne told her about us, but her anger would've been directed at him , especially if it had only been once.
    There was one other little problem with my ‘foolproof’ plan I hadn't seen coming.
    I hadn't thought I'd actually like him.
    When I'd first walked into the club, I'd pretended to be my sister on purpose. I figured I'd sleep with him and then, when he realized I wasn't Livie, things would fall apart. She'd see that as soon as she let her guard down, he'd go against his word, and try to get into her pants. Hell, it had barely taken him any time at all to flirt with me and I hadn't even had to push for the kiss.
    I closed my eyes and tried to push the memory of our kiss out of my mind. It wasn't easy. Before I'd gone in to see Blayne, I'd told myself I would go through with it no matter how bad the sex was. After all, men like him were usually much worse lovers than their reputations said they were. Women probably told him what he wanted to hear because they were after his money and would say anything.
    One kiss and I'd known I was wrong. He knew what he was doing. The perfect combination of demanding and giving. He was confident, but not arrogant. I'd kissed my fair share of men in my fairly short life, and only a couple had ever kissed me like that. When we'd gone back to the penthouse he shared with my sister, I'd told myself I was just following through on my plan. Sex between the two of us had been a means to an end, nothing more.
    I'd still been telling myself that lie the first time he'd made me come.
    Afterwards, I'd waited until he'd fallen asleep and snuck out, careful to avoid my sister's room. Then I'd waited for her call. And waited. When it hadn't come the next day, I'd begun to wonder. Had he'd decided to pretend it hadn't happened? Which meant he wouldn't say anything that would start the revealing process. By mid-day Monday, I decided I needed to see him again. I needed to seduce him in such a way he would know I wasn't my sister.
    I hadn't admitted to myself, however, that I wanted to see him again. I'd enjoyed my time with him much more than I'd intended to. He was funny and

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