Twisted Affair Vol. 3
with some random guy for more reasons than the ones I'd given her. I'd known that if she slept with someone, she'd realize she didn't have to try to make things work with Blayne.
    The difference between my current desire to keep my sister away from Blayne and my previous one, however, was that now, I didn't want her near Blayne because I wanted him for myself.
    It was a hard thing for me to admit, wanting my sister's husband. Livie and I had never gone after the same guys. We may have been identical from our caramel-colored curls to our dark green eyes, but when it came to personality, we were mirror opposites. It was usually the same way with men. Not that Livie really went for many of them. She generally didn't bother with romance, but the few times she had found guys she liked, I'd thought they were... well, let's just say my sister had always had a soft spot for lost causes.
    None of them had been bad boys like Blayne – that was more my thing – but they'd all had some sort of brokenness to them that attracted my compassionate sister. She may have appeared to be this highly practical, almost cold, business woman, but matters of the heart always thawed her and led her to these men she felt she could save.
    Maybe that was it, I thought. Blayne was the combination of the guys I liked and the ones my sister was drawn to. He had the confidence and compassion, the sensitivity and attitude. He had been hurt by his family, but still managed to stay on his feet.
    And then there was that smoking hot body. I ran my hand through my curls. Dammit. Sandy brown hair and dark gray eyes. Broad shoulders, muscular torso. Those deep v-grooves pointing down to a cock that made my mouth water and my pussy throb just thinking about it.
    It wasn't just his body I wanted. It was all of him.
    And it was that thought that sent me out on a chilly February afternoon, walking along the streets of Philadelphia, heading towards the bus stop that would take me into the city and then to Blayne's penthouse. Livie wasn't there, I knew, but Blayne would be, and I had to see him. I had to know if he knew the truth, and if he didn't, I had to tell him.
    There were hundreds of reasons not to and hundreds of reasons why I should, but I wasn't doing this for any of those reasons. I was doing it because I couldn't stand waiting anymore or being the only one who knew the truth. I'd never been a patient person and this was killing me. I had to come clean.
    I didn't use the key Livie had left for me before the honeymoon, in case of an emergency, she'd said. I was pretty sure she hadn't meant seducing her husband. This time, I knocked on the door. When Blayne opened it, one look in those gray eyes told me he knew who I was.
    My heart clenched at the sound of my name. I hadn't realized how badly I'd wanted to hear him say my name and not hers, not until now.
    “I need to talk to you.” I fought to keep my voice steady. It was funny, I thought. Livie had once told me that the way she'd gotten through working in situations where she'd had to pretend to be friendly with strangers was to ask herself what I would say or do. I had always been the out-going one, the social one. And for the first time in my life, I was completely and utterly speechless.

Chapter 2
    Ever since the disastrous date with Livie the night before, I hadn't been able to think straight. I doubted she knew anything bad had happened, but I'd always been good at pretending to be okay when I wasn't. We'd finished our meal and continued with the whole 'getting to know you' conversation, but I'd been reeling the entire time, consumed with the revelation that the two times I'd had sex with my wife, it hadn't been with my wife at all.
    It wasn’t until we'd gotten back to the apartment and I'd been able to think that I realized I had no idea why my wife's twin sister would've pretended to be Livie. Twice.
    If it had been some sort of accident, where we'd both been drunk

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