Twin Targets

Twin Targets by Marta Perry

Book: Twin Targets by Marta Perry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marta Perry
Tags: Suspense
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    Nothing. He reached the rear without finding a thing out of place, other than a couple of books lying on the floor. He eased open another door, finding what was obviously the library’s workroom and break room. One corner was given over to a small fridge and a microwave, with a box of tea sitting on top. The door to the single restroom stood open. Empty.
    He reached for the door that must lead to the back hallway, nerves crawling. If anyone was in the building, this was the only place left.
    A rug lay half in and half out of a storage closet. There were two other doors, probably one to the attic and one to the cellar, but they were both locked on this side, eliminating them as a place to hide. The back door was unlocked—where Jade had exited, obviously. He walked back through the building, frowning a little. No one was here now. An intruder couldn’t have come out the front. He’d have seen them. But anyone could have followed Jade out the back and quietly walked away.
    He stepped outside. Jade slid from his vehicle the moment she saw him. Her face was pale but composed as she came toward him.
    “There wasn’t anyone inside.” She made it a statement, not a question.
    “No. An open closet in the back hallway looked disordered.”
    “That was me,” she said quickly. “I was getting the story rug out when I thought I heard someone. Just my imagination working overtime, I guess.”
    The wind whipped her hair across her face as she looked down the street, probably hoping no one had noticed anything amiss.
    “Let’s get inside.” He guided her in, noting that she hesitated for a fraction of a second before stepping through the doorway.
    She rubbed her arms briskly, moving toward the desk.
    “I’m sorry I panicked. I guess I’m still more upset than I thought from yesterday. This old building makes noises all the time, especially when it’s windy.”
    “Which it always is this time of the year.”
    If Jade wanted to dismiss it, he had no evidence to support any other explanation. Just like yesterday and the gas leak.
    “Yes. That must be it.” Her face flushed with embarrassment, as if she thought making a fuss without justification was a crime. “My assistant told me you’d come by earlier. I’m sorry I wasn’t here.”
    He blinked. “I wasn’t here earlier. What made her think it was me?”
    “She didn’t. I mean, she said a man had come by, asking for me, and I just assumed it was you because you’d said you were coming today.”
    He rubbed the back of his neck, trying to assess the situation as if he looked at it cold, without knowing Jade or the circumstances of Ruby’s death. “Did she describe the man?”
    “I didn’t ask.” She raised her hands, palms up. “I’m sure it’s nothing. It could have been anyone. I’ve been advertising for new volunteers, so maybe it was someone wanting to talk about that.”
    He’d reserve an opinion for the moment. “Can we go someplace where we can talk? Maybe the café?”
    She was shaking her head before he’d finished. “I can’t.”
    “I guess we’ll have to talk here, then.” He’d rather get her away from the site of her scare. And she could probably use some hot coffee or soup after being outside.
    “I can’t do that, either.” She glanced at the round schoolhouse clock mounted over the desk. “I have story hour starting at two, and a bunch of preschoolers will be swarming in here any minute now.”
    “Can’t someone else do it?”
    Her lips tightened. “I don’t want anyone else to do it. I can’t afford to have people saying I’m not doing my job. They’re probably talking enough already.” She waved him toward the door. “Go, get some coffee. Come back at three, and we’ll talk then.”
    He didn’t like it, but a mother with a couple of kids in tow came in, looking at him curiously, so he went. Jade sorted through the books she’d picked out, mentally rehearsing her presentation. It should be a comforting act,

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