Twin Dragons: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 7
dream of,
especially when it came to things she didn’t understand and could
never have.
    “We would appreciate anything you can do,”
Cal replied in a voice filled with sadness. “Mel and I both will
never forget your kindness.”

Chapter 12
    Melina followed the group as they continued
down to another level. This one had more eating establishments than
the others. It was surprising that the layout of the Spaceport
reminded her a little of the mall in Atlanta that she had gone to
when she was younger.
    Unfortunately, the excitement of being on
the Spaceport had lost its appeal. All she could think about was
the frustration and hurt in Calo’s eyes as he walked away. She
hesitated at the entrance to the small pub, staring at Calo’s stiff
back with regret.
    She wished she could explain to him why she
was behaving the way she was, but it was impossible. Like Carmen
mentioned earlier, there was an excellent chance she and Gramps
would be going home before too much longer anyway. It would be
stupid to want him and Cree to know she was a girl when there was
nothing that could come of it but more heartache.
    No, she thought dejectedly. It is
better for them to think I’m a boy and have them mad at me than to
know the truth.
    A strange looking waitress greeted them as
they entered the dim area. They were escorted to a large
rectangular table near the door of the small bar. The waitress was
a bizarre looking female almost four feet wide and six feet tall.
She wore sheer scarves over what looked like a two piece that
barely covered her multiple breasts and lower region.
    Melina blushed and peeked over to see if the
twins were staring at the woman. Her grandfather sure was! A sense
of relief washed through her when she noticed that neither Calo nor
Cree gave the woman a second glance.
    She glanced up in confusion when a series of
strange pictures suddenly appeared in front of her. She had no idea
what most of the stuff was and didn’t want to know either. It
looked worse than the scraps Hobbler ate. She was so fascinated by
the menu, she forgot where she was for a moment and leaned forward
to scroll through the selection.
    “If you wish to order anything just touch
the image,” Zuk said with a reassuring smile. “If you are not sure
what something is, I can help you.”
    Cree glanced down at the far end of the
table where Mel sat. He frowned when he saw the twin bands of gold
briefly peeking out from around Mel’s slender wrists. He released a
silent curse when Mel felt his gaze and quickly pulled his jacket
down over his hands again.
    “What do you want to eat, boy?” Cree asked
in a tone sharper than he realized.
    Dark green eyes, framed by coal black
lashes, peeked up at him briefly before Mel lowered his head and
slumped in his seat. Cree swore Mel was trying to disappear into
his seat. His jaw clenched and he looked at Calo, who was staring
in stony silence at Mel as well. Cree shook his head briefly at his
brother when he turned to look at him.
    At least he looked at you, Calo
mumbled. It is more of a response than I received
    Why do I feel the need to rip that damn
hat off of his head? Cree asked in frustration. I want to
really see what he looks like. It might not matter to my dragon or
my symbiot, but I’d at least like to know what my mate’s face looks
    “I’ll order for Mel,” Cal said briskly. “The
boy doesn’t eat much.”
    “He needs to eat more,” Calo bit out
gruffly. “He is too small for his age as it is. How will he become
a strong warrior if he doesn’t start eating. Maybe Cree and I can
work with him on developing his strength and fighting skills.”
    “That won’t be necessary,” Cal responded.
“Carmen is going to ask her mate if he will return us to our world.
Mel will be fine the way he is once we get home.”
    Calo hoped that Mel would speak up. They had
never approached him about trying to train him before. They had
never had a chance to! Every time they

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