embarrassed you allow yourself to be. You will only be embarrassed over something if you care more about what other people think of you than you think of yourself, especially if others discover something that you “ought to be ashamed of.” You would only care about that unwritten list of behaviors that are deemed socially unacceptable if your self-esteem is low to begin with because other people have passed this list on to you too. You were not born with it.
Children are not naturally embarrassed over anything. They run around naked outdoors if they feel like it, they will lie straight to their parents’ faces about who ate all the chocolate while their face is still covered with it, and they will take someone else’s toy in the sandbox without asking for permission and without worrying if someone sees them doing it. Children do not care about any of that, at least not until they have been told to be ashamed ofthemselves, to go into their room and feel bad for a while, to go to bed without dinner, and to promise never to do anything like that to upset their parents again. Children are taught the basic rules of society this way (such as to not lie or steal), which is a good thing, but they are motivated to follow those rules because they will
feel bad
if they do not, rather than because not following them would cause social disruptions. Once we become adults, we understand the more complex reasons for having these rules, but the conditioned response of a strong uncomfortable emotion still prevails among many grownups.
Adults who tend to be easily embarrassed often rationalize that they are better people because of it, but you are not more respectable, polite, and well-mannered if you are easily ashamed. You are only more brainwashed, and that is the only thing that is truly embarrassing.
Sex is still taboo in many parts of the world, even though we all know it is the very reason we exist. We obviously would not be here if our ancestors had not had sex with each other. Your parents had sex with each other, and your grandparents had sex too. It is a scary thought, I know, and something no one likes to talk about. However, when you grow up in an environment in which people intentionally avoid such a central subject, then it starts becoming a social problem.
Traditional socialization has always made sex taboo, so although everyone has natural sexual desires, they are often covered up as if it would be a big deal for others to know. In most social settings, talking about sex is considered embarrassing, and even thinking about it is shameful.
Few families talk about sex in a relaxed manner around the dinner table, and most do not talk about it at all — despite a family being the result of sex. Children are told they were broughtinto the world by a stork if they ask where they come from, and while being allowed to watch people get hurt or even die on TV, their parents change the channel if there is anything sexual in a television show. Many adults never talk about sex as if they have no interest in it and nothing to say about it, unless they have been drinking and then it all of a sudden can dominate an entire evening’s discussion. Many religions still preach that sex is bad for you, at least before you have married, and legislators have imposed age restrictions on both the access of sexual material as well as the real practice of sex itself. These restrictions are enforced by incarceration, which forces people to hide their natural sexual desires and hence be ashamed of them.
All forms of shame are indicators of your low self-esteem, which is why you have to get over them. However, it really becomes a problem when you are ashamed of your sexual desires, since you have to reveal to women that you find them sexy and that you want to have sex with them to seduce them. Otherwise, you will end up with a female friend, not a girlfriend, because sex is what separates the two kinds of relationships.
Many males believe there
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