Turned (Book 1 in the Vampire Journals) by Morgan Rice

Turned (Book 1 in the Vampire Journals) by Morgan Rice by Morgan Rice

Book: Turned (Book 1 in the Vampire Journals) by Morgan Rice by Morgan Rice Read Free Book Online
Authors: Morgan Rice
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clammy. She tried to resist, but it was just too much. She dropped to one knee, and he kept squeezing. Before she knew it, he was pushing her head towards the water. At the last second, she managed a scream: “Help!”
    A second later, her head was submerged.
    Caitlin felt the disruption in the water, the waves rushing, and knew that someone else had landed in the water. She was losing oxygen fast, unable to fight back.
    Caitlin felt strong arms under her, and felt herself being hoisted up and out of the water.
    She jumped up and gasped for breath, sucking it in deeper than she ever had. She breathed again and again, hyperventilating.
    “Are you okay?” he asked, holding her shoulders.
    She nodded. That was all she could manage. She looked over and saw that her attacker lay there, floating in the water, on his back. Blood was oozing out of his neck. He was dead.
    She looked up at him, his brown eyes looking down at her. He had saved her. Again.
    “We’ve got to move,” he said, grabbing her arm and leading her, sloshing, through the waist-high water. “That manhole won’t hold very long.”
    As if on cue, the manhole above them was suddenly torn out.
    They ran. They turned down tunnel after tunnel, and heard the sound of water sloshing behind them.
    He made a sharp turn and the water level dropped down to their ankles. They picked up real speed.
    They entered yet another tunnel, and found themselves in the midst of major New York City infrastructure. There were massive steam pipes here, letting off huge clouds of steam. The heat was unbearable.
    He took her down yet another tunnel, and suddenly picked her up and placed her on his back, wrapping her arms around his chest, and ascended a ladder, taking three rungs at a time. They were rising, and as he reached the top, he punched a manhole and sent it flying out before them.
    They were back above ground, on New York City streets. Where, she had no idea.
    “Hold on tight,” he said, and she tightened her grip around his chest, clasping her hands into each other. He ran, and ran, and it turned into a sprint, at a speed beyond which she had never experienced. She had a memory of riding on the back of a motorcycle once, years ago, and the feeling of the wind whipping through her hair at 60 miles an hour. It felt like that. But faster.
    They must have been doing 80 miles an hour, then 100, then 120… It just kept going. The buildings, people, cars—it all became a blur. And before she knew it, they were off the ground.
    They were in the air, flying. He opened his huge, black wings, flapping slowly beside her. They were up above the cars, above the people. She looked down and saw that they flew over 14 th Street. Then, a few seconds later, 34 th . A few more seconds, and they were above Central Park. It took her breath away.
    He checked back over their shoulders, and so did she. She could barely see, with the wind whipping in her eyes, but she could see enough to know that no one, no creature, was following them.
    He slowed a bit, and then dipped, lowering their height. Now they flew just above the tree line. It was beautiful. She had never seen Central Park this way, its pathways lit up, the treetops right below her. She felt like she could reach out and touch them. She had a feeling that it would never look as beautiful as it did right now.
    She clasped her hands tighter around his chest, feeling his warmth. She felt safe. As surreal as all of this was, things felt back to normal in his arms. She wanted to fly like this forever. As she closed her eyes and felt the cool breeze caress her face, she prayed that this night would never end.

Chapter Eleven
    Caitlin felt them slow, and then begin to descend. She opened her eyes. She didn’t recognize any of the buildings below them. It appeared that they were way uptown. Possibly, the Bronx somewhere.
    As they descended, they flew over a small park, and in the distance, she thought she saw a castle. As they got

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