Tthe Sleepover Club on the Beach

Tthe Sleepover Club on the Beach by Angie Bates

Book: Tthe Sleepover Club on the Beach by Angie Bates Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angie Bates
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Hiya! Come in, don’t be shy! I always lurve catching up with Sleepover fans. Oops, sorry, something’s blocking my door! Let me shift this rubbish. You’ll have to pick your way through the bin bags. As you can see, I’ve been spring cleaning for hours.
    You wouldn’t BELIEVE what I found under my bed! Bald Barbies with missing limbs, ancient board games, plus something very fuzzy on a plate, which I’m ashamed to say just
be a slice of old pizza…
    Yeah yeah, Lyndsey Collins cleans her room. It should be posted on the internet,ha ha. So what brought THIS on, you’re wondering?
    Well, I’ll tell you, but I warn you – it’s horribly humiliating. Yesterday all my mates came over in this big posse, looking incredibly serious.
    Oh, hang on! Before I get into that, I’d better quickly remind you who everyone in the Sleepover Club is!
    First comes Frankie Thomas. That’s our Frankie through and through, she just naturally jumps to the head of the queue. (Hey, did you hear that? I’m a poet!) I’m not implying Frankie’s pushy, but that girl could totally run her own chat show without any guests! She used to be a typical only child. But Frankie’s really mellowed since her little sister was born. She’s so-o gooey about baby Izzy, it’s unbelievable!
    Kenny’s the youngest in her family. Her full name is Laura McKenzie, but to us she’s just Kenny or Kenz. Kenny’s a real laugh. She’s also a football fanatic, a real sports nut, a bit of a brainbox and as mad as they come!
    Next comes Fliss, or “Felicity”, as absolutelyNO one calls her! It’s not like Fliss is a total bimbo, just a
dedicated follower of fashion. She’s constantly worrying she’s not pretty or skinny enough and going on stoopid diets, which can get just a bit boring. Fliss has the WORST luck with surnames. She
to be Felicity Sidebotham. But her mum recently married her long-term boyfriend, a builder called Andy Proudlove, so poor ol’ Fliss is now Felicity Proudlove. Major improvement, huh!!
    Last, but definitely not least – tada! Yess! Take a bow, Rosie Cartwright!
    Mum says Rosie’s an “old head on young shoulders”, which I think means she often acts too grown-up for her age. Rosie’s dad walked out on them, unfortunately, so now Rosie just lives with her mum, her big sister Tiff and her brother Adam, who has cerebral palsy. When Rosie first joined the Sleepover Club, she was seriously down in the dumps. It took us ages to convince her we wanted to be her friends. But now she’s really chilled, just one of the gang!
    Phew! That’s the intro out of the way. No, I
forget about me! I promise you, by the time I’ve finished telling you about our latest sleepover, you’ll feel like you know me WAY too well!
    Besides, I’m dying to get back to telling you what happened yesterday. Like I said, my mates all looked so serious that I went all wobbly inside.
    “What’s wrong?” I said nervously.
    They must have appointed Frankie official spokesperson, because Kenny gave her a meaningful nudge.
    “Lyndz, this is going to sound really horrible,” Frankie gulped, “but there’s no nice way to put this and
has to tell you. The fact is, your room is a total pigsty!”
    I was shocked. I don’t tend to notice my room, to be honest. I just like, sleep in it.
    “What’s wrong with it?” I quavered.
    “Well, this for a start.” Frankie picked up one of my old trainers and tipped it upside down. A handful of stale Smarties fell out. My baby brother’s always hiding stuff in our shoes. Mum swears Spike is half baby, half squirrel!
    “Plus this!” Rosie pointed sternly at mywastepaper basket, merrily spilling rubbish everywhere.
    “It’s only old tissues and apple cores,” I said defensively. “Not like, droppings from
rats or anything.”
    Fliss crinkled her nose. “Lyndz, maybe you haven’t noticed, but lately it’s got really whiffy in here too.”
    “I’ll say,” Kenny

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