Trusting Bull: Savage Brothers MC

Trusting Bull: Savage Brothers MC by Jordan Marie

Book: Trusting Bull: Savage Brothers MC by Jordan Marie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Marie
Tags: Fiction, Romance, MC
I look at the club. Good people. Caring people. A family .
    She stops and sighs, then asks me a question that I had somehow forgot we were discussing.
    “Even if I do like your lifestyle, and let me warn you Bull, that’s like a huge ‘ what if .’ But even if I do, that still doesn’t help us figure out where we go from here. You’re a recovering…”
    I don’t want to hear her call me an addict. I can’t. I can’t hear those words from her lips. So I kiss her before the words can escape. Before she can deny me further, I take two large steps, and I’m there. Then, my lips are on hers, my tongue is in her mouth, her taste is inside me, my arms are full of her, and her hands are holding me. That’s all I want to concentrate on. My hands latch onto her sweet round ass, kneading it, and pulling her into me. She’s stiff, but still I take over her mouth, my tongue savors her, and I am lost in her. She softens, her hands go around me, and her nails bite into my back.
    It’s a good kiss. A fucking good kiss . And when she moves restlessly against me, I break away to let my lungs take in air. Her face is flushed, and her lips are swollen. I didn’t shave this morning, and the stubble from my face has scratched her and I like it. A hell of a lot .
    “If you like my club woman, all bets are off.”
    “Bull, everything I know about addiction says you shouldn’t even think of starting a relationship for at least a year. Especially while you are in recovery.”
    “I’m not waiting a fucking year to have you, Doc.”
    I grab her hair, wrapping my fist in it, tightening my hold, so she can see how serious I am.
    “I am not waiting a fucking year to have you, Skye. Woman, today was one of the best days of my life.”
    “Mine too,” she says, simply.
    “Then you have to know that I am not giving you up. I can do this Skye. Trust me. C’mon Doc, sometimes you have to live a little.” She studies me, but doesn’t respond. “Take a chance on me, Doc. I won’t let you regret it.”
    I have never felt such relief in my life as I do when she nods yes. Then, I slam my lips back onto hers and kiss her until we both forget our names.
    I pray I can just get her to see my club like I see it. Hell, I can’t remember praying, but I pray all of the way home. I need for Skye to give us a chance. I can’t imagine living my life without her or my brothers. I just hope like hell it doesn’t come to that.

    She had her chance. I watch as that man’s taillights disappear. He’s really starting to be annoying. I watched them through the window, I was sure Skye was going to do the right thing. She didn’t. I can’t keep waiting. I’m not ready to bring her home yet. There are still things to accomplish to make it perfect. I am going to have to step up my game though. I need to get my message across to Skye.
    It is decided.
    I will send her one more message, and then if she still refuses to fall into line, I will have to bring her to heel. I tighten my grip on the black silk panties I got from her house earlier. I bring them to my nose. Bile rolls in my stomach. It is not her pure scent now—it’s changed. She has changed.
    I must work faster, before she ruins it all.
    Before she ruins things, just like the others did.
    I have to hurry.

Chapter 20
    “D oc? You okay?” We’re sitting in the car outside of the club, and she’s barely said three words since we left. She’s definitely nervous, but I’m worried it’s something else.
    “What if they hate me?”
    “They won’t.”
    “What if I hate them?”
    I don’t really know how to answer that, since at this point it’s the biggest worry I have.
    “Just give them a chance, Doc. That’s all I ask.”
    She nods, and I get out of the car. She has the door opened by the time I get to her side, but I manage to be there in time to help her out. I hate driving a car. I want Skye on my bike. But until we see how today goes, I’m not going to put

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