Trusting Bull: Savage Brothers MC

Trusting Bull: Savage Brothers MC by Jordan Marie Page A

Book: Trusting Bull: Savage Brothers MC by Jordan Marie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Marie
Tags: Fiction, Romance, MC
her on the back of it. I have a feeling that if this goes south, she’ll haunt everything around me. The last thing I need is to climb on the back of my girl, and remember Skye there.
    I keep my hand on Skye’s back as I lead her to the club entrance. I try to imagine what the place looks like to someone who is just seeing it for the first time, but that’s impossible for me. The club is wrapped up in everything I am, and has been home for so long, just the sight of it calms me. I look down at Skye, to try and gage her reaction, but other than the way those perfect white teeth are gnawing into the corner of her bottom lip, there’s not a clue as to what she is thinking. Hopefully her nerves will calm. We pass by one of the new recruits guarding the door, I think I’ve heard the boys call him Circus. I really don’t want to know what shit earned him that road name.
    He opens the door for us and Skye thanks him. He gives her a once over and I accidentally elbow him as I pass—in the throat. He’s not getting my vote when the time comes, motherfucking little bitch. Skye is so wrapped up in her nerves that she doesn’t even notice the exchange.
    The club is quiet today, and to be honest that might be why I picked it to begin with. I sure as hell wasn’t bringing her here during a party. Dragon and Nicole are in the back talking to Dancer. Carrie isn’t here, and I’m glad. Doc doesn’t need anything else to think about right now. I lead her over to the table, they look up and holy hell, this whole thing feels awkward as fuck.
    “Hey Bull. Is this the Doctor we’ve been hearing about?” Nicole, bless her heart speaks up first to break the silence.
    “Yeah, little Mama. Skye this is Nicole. For some reason she decided to marry Dragon there, and that other ugly fucker is Dancer.”
    “Hi,” Skye responds. She has her hands clasped at her waist and the grip she has on them is turning her skin completely white. Shit! This is not going well.
    “You got a problem with Bull being a member of the club?” Dragon asks and I’d like to strangle him.
    “Dragon, lay the fuck off.”
    “What? I’ve got a right to ask the question. You’ve been worrying like a motherfucker hoping this chick fits in. Hell, it’s all you talked about last night. It’s my club, so I want to know what in the hell the problem is.”
    “Would it matter if I did?”
    “It would to him.”
    “Then I guess that’s between Bull and me to work out.”
    “Do you know who I am?”
    “Other than your name is apparently Dragon, no, I don’t.”
    “Let me ask you something, why do you think you’re good enough for my boy?”
    “Dragon, man…” I try again to stop him. I can understand why he’s questioning Skye, but I don’t need more strikes against me.
    “It’s okay, Bull. Let him have his say.”
    “Yeah Bull, let me have my say,” Dragon chimes mockingly, and I flip him off.
    “Are you an ass to everyone? Or am I just lucky, Dragon?” Skye asks, and everyone stops moving.
    “Skye, you can’t…” I interrupt the exchange. I need to try and stop this before it gets out of hand. Dragon might be out of line, but he is the club president, and you just can’t talk to him like that.
    Dragon waves me off, and leans on the table, looking at Skye intently.
    “I’m an ass to anyone who thinks one of my brothers isn’t good enough for them.”
    “I never once said that. Bull is an amazing person.”
    “Then why you making my boy jump through hoops?”
    “Bull is a grown man, I doubt anyone could make him do anything he didn’t want to do.”
    “You like my boy?”
    “Jesus, Dragon. Let it go. Skye and I got this,” I interject, because I’m about to step out of line even more than Skye, and I know what that means.
    “Very much,” Skye says, and when I turn to her, I notice she’s looking at me this time—not Dragon. Hell, that’s enough to do something to a man.
    “Then what’s your deal?” Dragon prods, yet again

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