Trust Me (Finding my way)

Trust Me (Finding my way) by R.S Burnett

Book: Trust Me (Finding my way) by R.S Burnett Read Free Book Online
Authors: R.S Burnett
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    “ What?” Okay, so obviously she is going to make a big deal out of it.
    “ We kissed. He pulled me away from them when I was about to hit her and started dancing with me to distract me. Everyone was staring and we were talking about how by tomorrow it would be going around that we had sex; so we decided to have a little fun with it and give them something to talk about. It’s no big deal, we’re just friends. Anyway, not long after the kiss, Tucker was storming over to us. But he must have guessed from the look I sent him, because he just stood there watching me. Todd picked up on it and we shared a taxi home.” I shrug and grab my phone that’s vibrating again. I look at the screen to see a bundle of missed calls and texts. All the missed calls are from Tucker and a few of the texts too.
    Tucker: Please pick up your phone
    Tucker: Just hear me out
    Todd: If you need to talk, I’m here
    Tucker: I ’m sorry x
    “He texted you?” Sophie guesses, but it comes out like a question.
    “ Yeah, he says he’s sorry and wants to talk to me.”
    “ Are you going to talk to him?” Matt asks. the only reply he gets is a raised eyebrow from me and an ‘are you stupid’ look from Sophie. My phone beeps again.
    Beth: Didn’t daddy love you?
    I surprise myself with the noise that tears through my mouth; it’s a cross between a growl and a scream. Without thinking about it, I throw my phone at the wall. Sophie and Matt stare at me open mouthed.
    “ Him?” Sophie asks quietly
    “ Beth,” I grit out getting up and grabbing my jacket, a force of determination taking over me.
    “ What are you doing?” she asks, looking nervously from me to Matt.
    “ Something I should have done a hell of a long time ago.”
    “ Brooke, no. Stay here.”
    “ No.”
    “ Then let me come with you,” she pleads.
    “ No. You can’t fix me Soph, so stop fucking trying,” I snap as I run out of the dorm towards my car.
    I know I probably shouldn ’t be driving right now after the few drinks I had earlier, but I’m pretty sure all the drama and betrayal has sobered me up completely. Gritting my teeth and not even bothering to look back, I head out to the one place I swore I would never visit alone again.
    I don’t even bother to turn the engine off as I jump out of the car and head up to the door; banging my fist on it so hard I tear the skin on my knuckles.
    “ Open up, I’m here,” I shout at the door as I continue constantly banging on it. I’m just about to add a kick when it flies open and reveals my mom stood in her robe looking not happy at all. Well that’s good because I’m quite pissed off myself, I think as I barge past her into the house. I stop just before the stairs; my step dad is running down them dragging a top over his head. I start clapping my hands loudly.
    “ Well, if it isn’t the man of the hour. Look I’ve got a split lip and it’s not even from you!” I point to the cut on my lip in-between claps.
    “ What‘s going on Brooke?”  Phin asks from the top of the stairs.
    “ Go back to bed,” Sam says tightly to him, not taking his eyes from me.
    From the corner of my eye, I can see my mom making her way towards me. I turn my head just as she makes a grab for my ponytail. Without thinking about it and way past caring, I lift my arm and elbow her in the face making her stumble back.
    “You bitch,” she screeches.
    I watch dazed as Sam makes his way towards me with a slight smile tugging at his lips. “Oh, this is going to be interesting,” he says with a humourless laugh.
    I don ’t really know what happens next and I can’t explain it. It’s as if a force has taken over me; he lunges towards me but I move out of the way making him bump into my mom, they stumble and land on the floor. I laugh and grab the first thing that’s within reach and heavy looking; I swing it and make contact with his side, making him grunt. I can feel the tears running down my face as I keep

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