Trojan Slaves
She yelped like a dog as she was seized
by a pent-up pleasure that, for the moment, only wanted feeding
with pain.
    Another man
took her left nipple between his teeth and pulled at it, biting
deeply, stretching it, drawing it out. Sappho screeched again, as
loud as she could. Bubbles of spit burst from her gaping mouth. She
clasped her hands tightly together and pulled against the bonds
around her wrists, increasing the tension, bringing herself closer
to the moment of release. Suddenly she felt it flow and jerked
wildly, spinning sideways, pulling herself against the men's
clasping teeth, descending into the fathomless depths of rapture,
into the exhilarating joy of complete, overcoming ecstasy.
    They threw her
to the ground, still jerking, still squeezing her thighs against
the throbbing flesh of her swollen, wet sex. The two women on
either side of her fell as well, pulled over by the chain that
joined them. A man with a cane thrashed at the three of them. The
stinging pain cut into her and she opened her legs. She hoped the
cane would find its mark between them. But she was pulled up and
driven forward again.
    Between the
two huge boats the men assembled a corral from spears forced into
the sand. The women were driven into it like cattle. They cowed
together, the chains that joined them tangled and wound in knots.
Sappho struggled to stand, not knowing which way to move to get
relief from the tightness of her collar. Her face was pushed
against the face of another woman. She saw fear in the woman's
them!' someone shouted.
    Men ran
between them, unclipping the chains from the collars. They pulled
at them roughly and Sappho was tugged sideways then knocked over.
The loose chains rattled around her, filling her head with noise,
her mind with apprehension.
    They were
forced close together in the centre of the spear-lined corral.
Their wrists were still tied tightly behind their backs but, with
their chains removed, they could turn at will. They were forced
together in a cowering knot on the edge of the corral. Sappho tried
to dodge the cane as it was brought down repeatedly. But she could
not avoid its cutting slices and could not pull against the chain
enough to gain protection behind the others. The cane slashed at
the ones on the outside, cutting into their buttocks, or if they
twisted away their backs, and if they did not, their breasts.
Sappho, unable to turn quickly enough as it slashed down towards
her, felt its penetrating sting across both her breasts. She gasped
as it struck and elbowed two other women aside so that she could
get some shelter behind them.
    The man with
the cane thrashed at one of the women and drove her out of the
cluster. He separated her, caning her viciously all the time, and
drove her to the centre of the corral. He forced her onto her knees
and thrashed her several times across the back. He returned to the
rest of them and drove out another. Sappho cowered in the centre of
the bunch, hoping she would not be chosen, hoping to remain unseen.
Another was driven out, shrieking as the cane found its mark across
her nipples. She too was made to kneel alongside the others. One by
one they were separated. Sappho was the last. She found herself
isolated, the only one left, exposed to the jeers of the soldiers
that stood around the corral, and to the cutting slashes of the
viciously wielded cane. She turned her back against it, running to
the edge of the square of soldiers and cowering against the spears.
She held onto one as the whip cut across her back then slashed
angrily across her buttocks. She tried to save herself by turning
sideways, but the thrashing continued against her thighs. One of
the men reached over the spears and pushed her forward. She fell to
the ground, her legs wide as she fell on her back. She clawed at
the ground with her tied hands but could not get up. The cane came
down between her legs against her swollen labia. She shrieked with
pain, but it swept down

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