Tricks & Treats: A Romance Anthology
and well trained, but the hunter wasn’t fighting fair. He had weapons make from or coated in silver that would immobilize her long enough for him to strike her dead. Her only consolation was that she and Maxwell had made enough of a commotion to draw attention and there was no way now that he could mount a surprise attack on the party guests. Her family would be safe.
    They circled one another. Katherine steered the hunter away from Maxwell’s unconscious body, terrified he would threaten her lover’s life. She’d sacrifice herself for him, she knew, and it would break her parents’ hearts.
    But it didn’t need to come to that. If she could just hold the hunter off for another minute, her father would come bursting through that door like the Devil himself and tear the man apart.
    The hunter wasn’t stupid; he knew he had limited time. It was only a matter of seconds before someone realized they could gain entry through the French doors but that meant running around the house. He dashed towards the still open doors, giving Katherine the perfect opportunity to let him go and run to Maxwell’s side.
    Something inside her wouldn’t let that happen though. It just didn’t seem right to let this disgusting human off without punishment. Her body moved, almost of its own volition, towards the sprinting hunter, knocking him into a wing back chair and sending them both crashing to the floor.
    Katherine realized what she’d done in the same moment the hunter saw his gun and lunged for it. She kicked out one of her feet, still in heels, and connected with his arm. A sharp crack of bone reverberated through the air and he grunted in pain, cradling his now useless arm into his chest.
    She could see the desperation in his eyes now. Gone was the boldness that had carried him this far. Blood from a scalp laceration dripped into his left eye but he didn’t move to wipe it away because he was busy reaching for more weapons to use against her.
    Silver flashed again in the low light but Katherine was too far gone to care. Her fingers closed around a brass lamp her father had so proudly brought home several years before, when electricity had first come to their region of Quebec.
    With a roar that came from deep inside her, filled with the overwhelming need to protect, Katherine wrenched the lamp from its socket and threw it at the hunter’s head. He moved and it connected with his shoulder, eliciting a scream of pain as it jarred his broken arm.
    Katherine pushed off the floor and leaped for the injured man, hitting him hard with her shoulders like she practiced with her brothers.
    “You fucking bitch!” He screamed, trying to get another blade from his boot while she dug her fingers into his shoulder blade, inflicting as much damage as she could. His words only spurred her on, unleashing her beast even more.
    Katherine swung her right hand up to her left ear then crashed her elbow down on the hunter’s face. Blood exploded from his nose as it shattered into pieces, blending into the scarlet color of her ruined dress. She pushed him to the floor and pinned his arms under her knees, ignoring his groans of agony as he choked on his own blood.
    “You’re pathetic and sick. You know that?” Katherine stared down into his terrified eyes and felt a wave of sickness wash over her. She scrambled back, needing desperately to vomit but refusing to let herself give in.
    Gentle hands gripped her shoulders, pulling her up as the hunter was flipped over and restrained, his weapons collected. Katherine watched in horror as two knives, garrote wire, another gun and more silver bullets than she could understand right now were hauled out of the man’s pockets. He’d had enough to kill her a hundred times over.
    Sylvie’s arms enfolded Katherine and the familiar smell of her mother’s skin soothed her enough to draw her gaze away from the fallen man. She stared up at her mother, whose

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