Tribes of Man: The Beginning [Tribes of Man] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Tribes of Man: The Beginning [Tribes of Man] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Kiel Nichols

Book: Tribes of Man: The Beginning [Tribes of Man] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Kiel Nichols Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kiel Nichols
Tags: Romance
Stacy asked hopefully.
    “No.” He felt Stacy’s rolling terror through the door. He also knew that no matter how she felt, she would not be able to disobey. A moment later, she stepped through the door.
    When she closed the door behind her, a tear rolled down her cheek.
    * * * *
    “Is he gone?” Gideon asked.
    “I think so. I don’t sense him anymore.” Raina sat down and tipped her head back against the couch cushions. She rubbed her eyes. “It’s been a heck of a day.”
    Gideon sat next to her. “What do you think of all this? Do you buy it?”
    Raina sat up and touched Gideon’s hand. “How can I not? I mean, I can’t deny that I can see myself through your eyes right now. If that’s not supernatural, I don’t know what is. I don’t know that I can see the future though. That seems far-fetched.”
    “It all seems far-fetched to me.” But like you said. This obviously isn’t normal. He finished the sentence in his head to make his point. All I know for sure is that I feel connected to you. I want you. I can’t get past that to process the rest.
    Raina leaned toward Gideon. “I want you, too,” she said out loud. “I know we haven’t known each other very long, but I don’t want to wait.”
    Gideon went very still. “Are you sure?”
    Raina stood up and held out her hand. “I’m sure.”
    * * * *
    Gideon paused on the threshold of the darkened bedroom. Raina walked into the shadows of the room. A moment later he heard the hiss of a match as she lit a candle by the bed. She moved to the dresser to light several more. Before he knew it, the room was ablaze with soft candlelight.
    “I can’t see it,” she said, “but I love the smell.”
    Gideon stepped into the room and was enveloped in the scent of sandalwood and vanilla.
    Raina stopped in the middle of the room and pulled her top over her head. Wasting no time, she reached around to unhook her bra. The cool air danced over her skin, causing her nipples to tighten.
    Gideon stood just inside the doorway and watched her undress. When he saw the plump nipples harden into tight buds, he groaned. Although they weren’t touching, the tension in the room rose at the sound.
    Raina didn’t stop until she was naked. Her clothes were in a pile right next to her, and she stood still in the center of the room.
    Abruptly, Gideon realized that he had been standing there like an idiot watching her undress. He didn’t try to help or even shuck his own clothes. He walked into the room until he was in front of her.
    He was afraid to touch her, afraid that if he laid his hands on her, he’d simply lay her down, tuck her lush body under his, and slam into her like an animal. His cock was painfully hard and throbbing.
    To give himself relief, he unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, but he didn’t remove them. Instead, he leaned down, and without touching her anywhere else on her body, drew her nipple into his mouth.
    Raina cried out. She grabbed his head and pulled him tighter to her. He put his hands on her ribcage and held her still while he sucked. He could have stayed there all night, but she became impatient. She started tugging at his shirt and making mewling sounds.
    Suddenly eager to have her hands on him, Gideon pulled back and yanked off his shirt. Raina ran her hands over his chest. Before he could pull her into an embrace, she began almost frantically pushing down his pants.
    Gideon’s cock sprang free with a sigh of relief from him. Raina didn’t push his pants all the way down. As soon as he was free, she slid her hand around to grasp him firmly.
    The feel of her cool hands on his overheated flesh was almost enough to set him off. He felt like a teenager, randy and ready to shoot his load just from her touch. He let her explore him, running her fingers down the thick vein of his cock, cupping his tight balls, spreading the drop of pre-cum on his head with the tip of her finger. When she took him into her grasp and started to give

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