Book of Horrors (Nightmare Hall)

Book of Horrors (Nightmare Hall) by Diane Hoh

Book: Book of Horrors (Nightmare Hall) by Diane Hoh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diane Hoh
author persisted. “Have you been to one of my book signings here on campus, Ms. Kingsley?”
    Everyone looked at Reed questioningly. McCoy hadn’t had a book signing on campus since they’d arrived at Salem. She must have forgotten that.
    “Debrah’s just a freshman, like me,” Reed gently told their hostess. “We weren’t lucky enough to be on campus the last time you did a signing.”
    “Well, we’ve met somewhere else then,” McCoy said. And although Debrah shook her head no, the author added firmly, “I never forget a face.”
    Reed doubted that. Maybe it had been true once, but not now. Besides, if Debrah had ever met the author, she would have shared that meeting with all of them, probably at the top of her lungs.
    Debrah remained at the window.
    A few minutes later, Rain burst through the front door, stomping fresh snow off his boots. He stopped short when he saw the group, his eyes widening in disbelief. His jaw dropped, and he turned to his mother, saying, “What are they doing here?”
    “We were invited,” Reed said hastily, afraid he’d think she had brought the group without permission.
    “I know that,” he said, slipping out of his jacket and hurrying over to his mother’s chair. “You wouldn’t do this on your own. But this could be too much for her … so many people. Are you sure she’s ready for this?”
    “I’m right here. You can ask me. Of course I am!” Victoria McCoy said calmly, pouring a cup of tea for her son. “Don’t be such a worry-wart, dear. It’s always fun to see my fans. I’ve missed that. Do join us. But first, bring me that photo album from the desk, would you? I want to show them pictures of our trip to Turkey. I’m sure they’ll find it as fascinating as we did.”
    Rain went to the desk. When he didn’t return immediately to the group, Victoria McCoy said impatiently, “Rain? Where’s that album?”
    Rain answered reluctantly, “It’s not here.”
    McCoy turned on Reed, her eyes blazing. “You!” she cried. “You work at that desk! You took it! You’ve stolen from me, like the others.”
    Reed gasped. She tried to answer, but she was speechless.
    “Reed doesn’t steal,” Link said coldly, standing up.
    “Of course she doesn’t,” Rain said, returning to the group. “And McCoy knows that, don’t you, McCoy?” His voice was soothing, soft.
    The rage drained from his mother’s face. She looked bewildered. “Yes, I … I didn’t mean she stole anything. I just … the album was there this morning …”
    But you don’t lock the doors, Reed thought dazedly, her mind still reeling. And you hide in your office with headphones on … why do you blame your assistants for stealing things when anyone could walk in here and take something?
    “I think you’d better go now,” Rain said, herding them all to the door. “I’m sorry. She’s been ill, that’s all, and this was too much of a strain for her.” To Reed, he said, “She’ll be expecting you tomorrow. She’ll forget all about this. You’ll be here, won’t you?”
    Reed nodded. “I guess so.” Seeing Rain’s grateful look, she said more firmly, “Of course I will.” McCoy needed her, that was obvious. At least, she needed someone.
    Tomorrow, she’d look for the photo album tomorrow. It had probably just been mislaid.
    Link argued with her all the way back to campus about returning to the McCoy house. “That woman isn’t getting every channel,” he said at the door to Reed’s room. “It’s not safe working for her.”
    “Don’t be silly,” Reed argued, but with less enthusiasm than she would have had that morning. “You heard Rain. She’s been sick from overwork, but she’s getting better. And maybe I did move the album when I worked yesterday.”
    But she knew she hadn’t. If there had been a photo album on the desk, she would have sneaked a peek or two while McCoy was in her office. There had been no album. She was sure of it.
    “Fine,” Link said brusquely at

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