Tread Fearless: Survival & Awakening (The Gatekeeper Book 4)
distraught there for a moment.”
    “Not distraught,” replied John. “He was concerned about the route correction. We’re going to head north, and try to cross the Red River tonight . . . before nightfall.”
    “The Red River . . . isn’t that the border with Oklahoma?” asked Bonnie from the back.
    “Yes it is,” answered John.
    “Wow, I thought the border was a long ways off. I thought we were going to be in Texas for days.”
    “We were,” said John, “but Pete and I decided to cross into Oklahoma as soon as possible. Besides, the river crossings east of us are much more heavily trafficked, and we want to keep a low profile for as long as possible. Why, did you want to see Wichita Falls?” added John in a tease.
    “What? No. I’m fine with whatever,” replied Bonnie.
    “This will be our first night camping, so things will be challenging. But we’ll fall into a routine in no time.” John looked out the front and saw the boys climbing into the van. “It looks like we’re getting ready to roll.”
    Paul approached John on the driver’s side window and said, “Pete wants us to give him a five minute head start. He said he’ll give you a radio check in a minute, but to keep to the posted speed limits so as not to overtake him.”
    John nodded and said, “Thanks Paul.”
    Paul lightly slapped his palm against the door of John’s truck and turned to walk away without another word. John reflected on Paul and Marissa’s inclusion into their modest company, and marveled at how things worked out. So many things have happened since the disaster, many things John didn’t expect and plan for, but everything was working out better than he had hoped they would.
    For one, he never thought he’d bug-out. He thought for sure he’d stick it out at his well-established home. But things changed, and he couldn’t wait to get out of there. Now he was leading a small group oftwelve people to a mountain retreat that he saw only in a dream. Though it was a night vision of such reality that it was real to John, he still had to convince everyone to trust him.
    Given the exciting prelude to their departure, the company readily accepted their collective destiny. Still, leaving the neighborhood, and perceived security, was a monumental test for the newly formed company. John knew he could have never pulled off such a grand collaboration if he had planned it himself.
    John knew God was involved. And though he turned his back to Him during the past few years, he wanted to grow closer to Him, to understand why God would give him such a gift. He also wanted to know why he was being asked to go to Colorado. Still, despite John’s many questions, he was learning to trust God once again. He appreciated his new gifts, and was ready to prove his obedience. John not only felt different, he knew he was different. He was clay on a potter’s wheel.
    John’s attention was momentarily diverted to the radio while Pete asked for a radio check. He then watched as Pete pulled away in the maroon mini-van after he and Paul replied. John looked at his watch, noting the time, and settled in for a long drive. He, Jenna and Bonnie chatted casually together as they waited for the minutes to tick away. When about five had passed, Pete radioed back that they could leave. John replied to Pete’s message, started the truck, and pulled away with Paul following in the dually. Once again, the entire convoy was on the move.

    The company experienced no problems on their forty-some-mile journey from their lunch break to the stop-point just short of the bridge over the Red River. They encountered only one RV that was heading south and pulling a small two-wheeled trailer. It looked to John like the RV was loaded down with more than one family, but he couldn’t tell for sure as they passed in opposite directions, even with Pete’s warning that it was coming their way.
    Overall, John was relieved they didn’t run into more people on the road, especially

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