Tracing Hearts

Tracing Hearts by Kate Squires

Book: Tracing Hearts by Kate Squires Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Squires
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disappointed to find my windshield free of debris.
    “So no one called you to ask where I live now?”
    “No, sweetheart. Why?” Dad asks.
    “I don’t know. Just curious, I guess.”
    “Is everything all right?”
    I sigh. Is everything all right? I don't know. I’m more miserable today, than I was when he left so abruptly six years ago.
    “Yes, Dad. I’m fine,” I lie.
    “When are you coming for a visit? Toria has been asking.”
    I smile.
    “Soon. I promise. I have to go. Love you, Dad.”
    “I love you too, honey. Take of care of yourself.”
    “I will, Daddy.”
    I hang up with the promise to call again soon.
    Weeks go by without any further word. I’ve begun to think I was wrong about who my stalker actually was. In the meantime, I’ve gotten more paranoid and have started parking in the parking garage at work. It costs more, but I’m hoping that my car will be harder to find in there. I’ve also started staying inside the building for lunch. Cameron has called me several times. I’m tempted to tell him what’s been going on, just in case it’s not Sebastian. Cameron might be a lying, son of a bitch, but at least he’s some sort of protection. Then again, asking him for help could be another way for him to weasel his way back into my life again. I wrinkle my nose at that prospect.
    Sitting alone in my apartment, I decide to go through some of the old letters from Sebastian that I’ve saved. Maybe there’s a clue inside one of them. I open the first one I got from him and smile fondly. We were so young, so naïve. His penmanship was awful. I giggle, remembering how excited I was to finally hear from him. The next few letters are mostly about what he likes to do, how miserable he is, and how much he likes the drawings I put on the outside of my envelopes. As I sit, cross-legged in the middle of my bedroom floor, surrounded by dozens of letters, my doorbell rings. It makes me jump. Who could it be? No one ever comes by at this hour. Tentatively, I get up and walk toward the door. They knock loudly, which startles me even more. I approach the peep hole and look out. I see nothing. Whoever it is, has covered the hole. My heart pounds thunderously in my chest.
    “Who is it?” I get no response. “I’m not an idiot,” I shout. “I’m not going to open the door just to get hacked up by some serial killer.”
    “It’s me,” says the man on the other side of the door. I recognize Cameron’s voice instantly. I roll my eyes but, after removing the chain lock, I open the door. He walks right in.
    “What the hell, Julia? A serial killer? Why are you so paranoid?” he says.
    “Cameron,” I whine. “What do you want? I’m kind of busy.”
    “Too busy to see me?” His smile is charming, but I’m used to it. It doesn’t affect me like it used to.
    “Yes. Do you need something?”
    His face falls slightly but recovers quickly. “I need you, babe.” I roll my eyes again. “Aw, come on. Don’t you miss me just a little?” He stands in front of me, wrapping his arms around my waist, a come hither smile on his face. I push away, and he releases me.
    “No. I don’t. Now what do you want?”
    He frowns.
    “I just wanted to come by and talk, that’s all. I’ve missed you. Can we talk about things?”
    I knew it was a bad idea to let him in. Now, I really wish it was a serial killer at the door.
    “Fine,” I say. “Sit.” I gesture to the chair adjacent to the couch I intend to sit on. He sits, leaning forward on the chair, with his hands folded together. I take my seat, crossing my arms in front of my chest. My look is expectant. He takes a deep breath.
    “Babe, I know I haven’t been the best boyfriend in the world.” I snort, and he looks repentant. “But, I’d like to make it up to you.”
    “This should be good,” I mutter petulantly.
    “Can we start over? I’ve turned over a new leaf, so to speak. I know you only moved here to be close

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