Time for Change

Time for Change by Sam Crescent

Book: Time for Change by Sam Crescent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sam Crescent
you. You wouldn’t listen, or you were too
busy to listen.”
    “You can’t work for me or won’t?” Chris accepted the coffee and blanked
    “Both. I don’t know a thing about medicine, and you need someone who
does. Also, working around the women you fucked is not my idea of a good working
environment. I mean, they’re looking at me clearly wondering what you’re doing
with your life.”
    He tried to interrupt, but she pressed a finger to his lips, finally
turning those brown eyes onto him. Chris looked ahead of him, seeing the mirror
reflecting them. The image reminded him of the many times he’d watched her
fucking him. There was a whole new side to Rachel, one that had him begging for
him to be inside her.
    “No, I’m the one talking. You can order me around all you want, but I
can’t be in every part of your life. I thought I could.”
    “Here is not the place to have this conversation.” He gripped her hand
tightly, staring into her eyes.
    “It’s the best place to have this conversation. At home you’ll get me
naked, and I can’t think when you’re doing things to my body.”
    “That’s the idea.” She glared at him. “Okay, bad
    “David offered me a job, and I accepted.”
    Looking toward the barman, Chris bit his lip trying to keep his thoughts
to himself. He couldn’t guarantee David’s feelings for his woman.
    Great, now I’m a
jealous boyfriend.
    Rachel giggled. “You look like you’re going to explode. Are you jealous
of a man I’ve just met?”
    “You’re a beautiful woman.”
    “So, you’re a sexy man, and I’ve just had to work with women who know
what you’re like in bed.” Her smile disappeared, and she sobered before his
eyes. “You know what? I don’t want to be here any longer. Can we go home?”
    He pulled out some notes and caught sight of the glass of tequila. Claire
always drank tequila. He and Rachel needed to have a new life together, or he
needed to change some part of their life.

Chapter Ten
    Rachel was silent on the walk back to the hospital parking lot. Chris
tried to touch her, but she couldn’t remain strong with his arms wrapped around
her or touching her any way. She wasn’t strong enough to give him what he
    They passed several people on the way to the car. She kept her gaze on
the ground, wishing it would open her up and eat her.
    Real mature,
Rachel. Going and getting drunk for him to come pick you up like a father rather than a boyfriend.
    There was nothing daughterly about her feelings for him. The last thing
she thought about when it came to Chris was as a brother or father. He’d always
been Chris or her friend. Even when Claire had been alive, he’d been her
friend, not brother-in-law.
    He opened the passenger door, and she slid inside. When he sat behind
the wheel, she wanted to say something to him. Nothing came out. Sitting back,
she stared out of the window, wishing for the time to pass and for her to be
    Pulling into the parking lot where he lived, Rachel felt sick to her
stomach. The distance was so short. All she could think about was the women
he’d brought back from the hospital. She’d witnessed several of them.
    Her biggest mistake was agreeing to move in with him.
    They travelled up to the top floor together. She stared at him in the
reflection of the metal. Why couldn’t she hate him?
    Closing her eyes, she took several deep breaths. When the elevator stopped,
she was more than ready to get off.
    Going to the door, she waited for Chris to let them inside. Once inside,
she stared at all the furniture thinking about Tammy. Spinning on her heel, she
raised her hand and slapped him around the face, hard.
    He didn’t fight or defend himself. She knew he could. Instead of hitting
him again, she shoved him in the chest, hard.
    When he made no move to defend himself, she stormed away, kicking off
her heels.
    Before she made it too far away, Chris caught her hand, tugging her
close. She

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