Tickle His Pickle: Your Hands-On Guide to Penis Pleasing
Get Out Of The PITs
    Are you battling any of the following Pleasure Interrupting Thoughts? Then here are some easy ways to turn them around. Remember: focusing on your PITs only draws attention to them. Instead, draw attention only to what turns you on!
    “I can’t relax.” Create your own personal oasis: Lock the door. Unplug the phone. Mute the message machine. Turn off the TV, cell and computer. Treat yourself to a hot bubble bath. Light a scented candle, pop in your favorite CD and feel the groove. Read an erotic story. Pleasure yourself.
    “Nice girls don’t.” Au contraire: nice girls DO—you may simply be ready to move on to the next phase of your adult life. Sexual wants and needs can change over the years, so relax and discover the joy that pleasing your partner will bring you in return. Remember: there’s nothing “dirty” about sex—it’s one of life’s greatest gifts to you.
    “I’m too fat.” Your guy isn’t going to care about your thighs while your luscious lips are working your magic on him. Being sexy isn’t about how you look. It’s about attitude, self-confidence and feeling sexy inside.
    “I’m afraid I may not like it.” Fear usually comes from the unknown, so you may need to turn and simply face your fears. Go slowly and talk about your feelings if you need to.You may be surprised to discover you really enjoy it.
    “I don’t like the sight of his penis.” Then don’t look! Turn out the lights and let your skills take over.Add in soft light as you get more comfortable.Try to gain a new appreciation for his penis. After all, it’s permanently attached.
    “He doesn’t smell great.” Then bathe before sex—together! Wash his penis for him and make sure you rinse him completely of soap (it tastes gross). Suggest a sensual shave to start him smelling even sweeter! (See Chapter 5.)
    “I don’t like his taste or texture.” Then mask it with fruit-flavored lubes or something good from the kitchen—like maple syrup!
    “I don’t know how to start.” You’ve already taken a giant step forward by opening this book. Just pick an easy starter technique that looks inviting—and try it. Guys may not always tell you, but most of them LOVE when their woman initiates sexplay.

Reveal Your Sexual Power
    Are you confident in your lovemaking? Comfortable expressing yourself erotically? Sexually equal with your partner?
    This guidebook is about empowering you to enjoy sex because you want to please yourself not simply please your guy. You’ll quickly discover that losing your inhibitions can be a liberating experience. Finding more passion in your life can bring more passion back to you. Giving new pleasure to the one you adore can multiply many times over.

    Whether you realize it or not, inner beauty radiates outward.When you feel good about yourself, your lover will feel good about you, too.Take this opportunity to make a fresh start to reveal your full sexual power-and revel in it!

Good Sex Starts At The Lips
    I mean communicating! Real, honest, open, two-way talk about what’s on your minds. But since many guys need help in the communication department—it may be up to you to break the ice.

    Venturing into these frozen waters can be difficult—even a bit embarrassing. But once you start talking, you can each begin to open up about any issues that may run under the surface. Remember: talking about sex doesn’t ruin a romance-it rescues it.
    What can you discover? Only what’s on each other’s mind! Perhaps he’s harboring issues about size, scent, taste, erection quality or ejaculation control. Or could you be coping with dryness, discomfort or no orgasms? The news may not all be negative-perhaps you’re both ready for more oral sex, new positions, greater variety or even a vibrating sex toy!
    Airing your issues in a positive light, rather than letting them linger unexamined, can lead to a much healthier

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