others: your jealous soul should love no one, except your friend’ -this precept made the soul of a Greek tremble: in following it he followed his path to greatness.
‘To speak the truth and to know well how to handle bow and arrow’ – this seemed both estimable and hard to that people from whom! got my name – a name which is both estimable and hard to me. 10
‘To honour father and mother and to do their will even from the roots of the soul’: another people hung this table of overcoming over itself and became mighty and eternal with it.
‘To practise loyalty and for the sake of loyalty to risk honour and blood even in evil and dangerous causes’: another people mastered itself with such teaching, and thus mastering itself it became pregnant and heavy with great hopes.
Truly, men have given themselves all their good and evil. Truly, they did not take it, they did not find it, it did not descend to them as a voice from heaven.
Man first implanted values into things to maintain himself – he created the meaning of things, a human meaning! Therefore he calls himself: ‘Man’, that is: the evaluator.
Evaluation is creation: hear it, you creative men! Valuating is itself the value and jewel of all valued things.
Only through evaluation is there value: and without evaluation the nut of existence would be hollow. Hear it, you creative men!
A change in values – that means a change in the creators of values. He who has to be a creator always has to destroy.
Peoples were the creators at first; only later were individuals creators. Indeed, the individual himself is still the latest creation.
Once the peoples hung a table of values over themselves. The love that wants to rule and the love that wants to obey created together such tables as these.
Joy in the herd is older than joy in the Ego: and as long as the good conscience is called herd, only the bad conscience says: I.
Truly, the cunning, loveless Ego, that seeks its advantage in the advantage of many – that is not the origin of the herd, but the herd’s destruction.
It has always been creators and loving men who created good and evil. Fire of love and fire of anger glow in the names of all virtues.
Zarathustra has seen many lands and many peoples: Zarathustra has found no greater power on earth than the works of these loving men: these works are named ‘good’ and’ evil’.
Truly, the power of this praising and blaming is a monster. Tell me, who will subdue it for me, brothers? Tell me, who will fasten fetters upon the thousand necks of this beast?
Hitherto there have been a thousand goals, for there have been a thousand peoples. Only fetters are still lacking for these thousand necks, the one goal is still lacking.
Yet tell me, my brothers: if a goal for humanity is still lacking, is there not still lacking – humanity itself?
Thus spoke Zarathustra.
Of Love of One’s Neighbour
Y OU crowd together with your neighbours and have beautiful words for it. But I tell you: Your love of your neighbour is your bad love of yourselves.
You flee to your neighbour away from yourselves and would like to make a virtue of it: but I see through your ‘selflessness’.
The ‘You’ is older than the ‘I’; the ‘You’ has been consecrated, but not yet the ‘I’: so man crowds towards his neighbour.
Do I exhort you to love of your neighbour? I exhort you rather to flight from your neighbour and to love of the most distant! 11
Higher than love of one’s neighbour stands love of the most distant man and of the man of the future; higher still than love of man! account love of causes and of phantoms.
This phantom that runs along behind you, my brother, is fairer than you; why do you not give it your flesh and bones? But you are afraid and you run to your neighbour.
You cannot endure to be alone with yourselves and do not love yourselves enough: now you want to mislead your neighbour into love and gild yourselves with his mistake.
I wish rather
Margaret Maron
Richard S. Tuttle
London Casey, Ana W. Fawkes
Walter Dean Myers
Mario Giordano
Talia Vance
Geraldine Brooks
Jack Skillingstead
Anne Kane
Kinsley Gibb