These Boots Are Made for Stalking

These Boots Are Made for Stalking by Lisi Harrison

Book: These Boots Are Made for Stalking by Lisi Harrison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisi Harrison
Tags: JUV023000
on Saturday
     morning, going forty-eight hours without actually seeing him just didn’t feel right. It was like eating sushi without wasabi.
     Watching television without TiVo. Wearing Dolce without Gabbana.
It was time for a distraction. She flipped her math notebook to a blank page and grabbed her favorite glittery purple gel
    10. The way his one dimple deepens when he laughs at all my comebacks. Bonus points for sense of humor.
    9. He’s in ninth, which means he’s nine times more mature than ex-crushes Derrington and Dempsey.
    8. His ah-mazing blue-green eyes, which change colors depending on what I’m wearing, so we’ll never clash.
    7. He never wears shorts in the winter like Derrington. Or wiggles his butt when he’s happy. Or ditches me just because he
     has to quote-unquote “go to soccer practice” or he’ll quote-unquote “get kicked off the team.” Puh-lease.
    6. He’s not into theater like Dempsey. Or Africa. Or volunteering.
    5. Bark Jacobs, his mom’s posh pet spa–slash–boutique. Automatic wardrobe upgrade for Bean!!!
    4. Bark Obama, his ah-dorable pug. Automatic crush for Bean!!!
    3. His wardrobe is almost as good as mine. Plus, he looked amazing on the runway at my Ho Ho Homeless benefit, without stealing
     the focus. He’s ahbviously confident enough to let his crush shine.
    2. The way his name sounds when I say it out loud: Landon Crane. Landon Crane. Landon Crane.
    1. HE’S IN NINTH! Having an older crush = ALPHA & BEYOND.
    Massie put down the pen and sighed. All those facts were true, but they didn’t tell her what Landon was doing
right now.
And the sleep light on her Mac was blinking almost hypnotically now.
    Lan-don. Lan-don. Lan-don.
    Finally, she couldn’t take the torture anymore. She reached for her laptop, flipped it open, and typed the SnoopDawg URL into
     the Web browser. Immediately, a puppy in a Sherlock Holmes outfit with a magnifying glass in its paw sniffed its way across
     the screen, signaling that the site was loading. The anticipation made her stomach churn like Jacuzzi jets on full blast,
     and she felt giddier than Claire did before a study date with Cam.
    Thoughts of her crush were suddenly replaced with thoughts of Claire, who had ditched the sleepover to do Gawd knew what else.
     She’d claimed bad gummies, but that was obviously code for
I’ve got something better to do
. Only, what plans could Claire possibly have that didn’t involve the Pretty Committee? Not knowing exactly what Claire was
     up to made Massie feel more uneasy than the time at the mall she’d gotten distracted on her cell and accidentally wandered
     into the Dress Barn instead of BCBG. It was strange and unfamiliar territory, and no self-respecting alpha belonged there.
    When the site loaded, a herd of cartoon puppies flounced into view,
-prompting Massie to enter Bark’s ID number in the doghouse graphic in the middle of the screen. Bean’s eyelids fluttered
     open, and she scampered across the duvet, collapsing in an excited heap in the crook of Massie’s arm.
    “It’s not that Claire doesn’t want to hang out with us anymore, Bean.” With her right hand, Massie typed in the ID number
     and password that had come with the charm, while she scratched behind Bean’s ears with her left. If she’d had an extra set
     of fingers, she would have crossed them that Landon hadn’t changed Bark’s password yet. “It’s just that she’s obviously not
     ready to upgrade. She’s kind of young for thirteen.”
    Bean wrinkled her pug nose, obviously sympathetic.
    “I know. It’s beyond frustrating,” Massie nodded, feeling slightly better that she wasn’t the only one to notice Claire’s
     immaturity. “But if we’re really her friends, we can’t control what she does. We just have to give her time to mature and
     realize that…”
    She clicked ENTER and screwed her eyes shut. Slowly, she opened her left eye a crack.
    The cartoon

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