Arthur be the key to ending her misery? Could she lay her demons to rest at long last?
    Even if Arthur couldn’t.
    Suddenly, she found arms surrounding her, pressing her into the hard length of his warm body. She nuzzled into his broad chest, the sound of his heartbeat against her cheek comforting in a way she only distantly recognized. The heady spice of his warm skin sank into the very core of her. She automatically clutched at those broad shoulders, seeking to anchor herself against the rising emotions swelling within her with the force of a tsunami.
    He cupped her face with strong capable hands and gently tilted her face up, his lips softly brushing over hers, sending heat spiraling down to her belly. Her mouth parted in a sigh, her mind incapable of any thoughts except for one. She needed him like no other.
    “Please, I need you now,” she whispered on a ragged breath as she broke the kiss.
    “Then you will have me.” His promise came to her equally soft, his arms pulling her closer still.
    A slow shiver traveled through her body as she felt the hard bulge of his cock against her thigh and, with a whimper, she rubbed against him with a desperation she never before experienced. All rational thought fled before the onslaught of a deep primal need to claim and be claimed in return. In the moment only a man and woman remained, the past of pain and betrayal burned away from the fire of her desire.
    His shirt tore under her nails, and she yanked it from him, the buttons popping from the force. Her fingers traveled appreciatively over the golden skin of his firm pectorals to the defined muscles of his abs and set to work undoing the button at the waist of his jeans. Her fingers shook with impatience as she attacked the zipper and shoved the offending material past his lean hips and well-muscled legs. His cock, free from its bindings, sprang hard and erect in front of her. The sight made her mouth water and thoughts of tasting him there brought a moan of appreciation to her lips.
    She jolted with surprise at the touch of cool air on her bare skin and wondered how he undressed her without her being aware, but looking at the man before her standing proud and gloriously naked, she had her answer.
    Realization smacked her upside the head in that instant. Holy Hecate, she stood just as naked in front of him, vulnerable to his inspection. She scrunched her eyes shut, her arms instinctively crossed over her breasts, and heat scoured her face in a furious blush.
    “Don’t hide yourself from me.”
    Arthur’s voice caressed her, bringing with it goose bumps up on her sensitive flesh. Fear choked the words forming in her throat. Oh, dear goddess, she couldn’t bear the thought of him seeing her so exposed. She couldn’t stand to see the look of disinterest enter his eyes as he looked at her imperfections.
    Gwen felt his hands firmly on her wrists, gently pulling her arms to her sides. She barely kept a whimper of horrified embarrassment from bursting out of her. She felt so… inadequate . So painfully aware of her flaws, the extra weight, the less than toned legs and the small belly she sported and could never get rid of, no matter how many scrunches she did.
    “By the gods, you are beautiful.”
    Gwen’s eyes flew open in shock. Did he think her so naïve as to not know better? Being the brunt of too many jokes in her lifetime, she knew better than to believe his lies. Her one and only serious relationship told her much about what men truly wanted, and she didn’t come close. His words still cut even years later when she caught him in the act with a leggy blonde who looked as if she came off a model magazine.
    “Don’t lie to me. I know what I look like,” she spat. By the startled look in his eyes, she surprised him by her vehemence.
    His only reply came as he swept her into his arms and gently brought her to the ground, his body covering hers. His head bent close to her, dark eyes intense as they held hers. Leaning on

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