The Wilder Alpha
heat shifted. Curiosity and uncertainty flitted through Kristi’s mind and she steeled herself for Jay’s question. “Why’d you do this?”
    She sighed out of frustration and embarrassment. There was no use lying. “I didn’t want to see you die.”
    “You’re going to die now,” Jay strained to get the words out. Something inside of his head clamped down solidly against the thought of her dying, especially at the hands of Gavin. His inner wolf bristled at the very possibility.
    “Maybe,” Kristi shrugged, trying to calm the urge to jump on Jay and smother him in affection. “Maybe not. We both know stuff about Goldbridge now.”
    Jay sharply inhaled. Kristi knew about his town, despite his best – if vain – efforts to disconnect from her. She waited for him to gnaw on the new information. Part of her waited for an explosion of rage from him. He sighed and closed his eyes, leaning his head back against he wall. “You’re right.”
    Kristi grunted, half-curious, turning her head to find his vague profile in the dark.
    Jay cracked his eyes half-open and appraised Kristi from the corner of his eye. “We’re connected on this Mate level and we can’t stop it.”
    “Try not to sound so excited,” her lips twisted into a pout. She dragged her gaze away from him, a happy heat spreading from her heart to her face. A meager playfulness twanged in her head. Her gaze detoured back to him and, in the dark, she caught his slight smile.
    “I’m ecstatic, Kristi.” Exhaustion kept Jay’s tone level. Aware of his conflicting messages, Jay couldn’t help but grin. Inside, his heart shuddered under the confirmation. If it didn’t hurt to move so much, he would have gathered her into his arms and ravaged those lips. He wasn’t even sure if she would appreciate the sentiment. She had just signed her death warrant. A part of him knew she craved the same, but Jay ignored it.
    “Really? Couldn’t tell.” Kristi’s lips puckered into a purse as her tone drowned in sarcasm. A small part of her still hurt over his adamant denial of their connection. Jay’s intense aversion made Kristi wonder if the whole thing was in her imagination. Bitterness bubbled forth and solidified in her words, “Considering how many times you accused me of lying.”
    “Can you blame me for thinking you were lying?” Jay sighed.
    Kristi’s irritations leaked out of her. With her own sigh, she admitted, “Not really.”
    Silence wrapped around them both. Something painful and confusing had been alleviated from their shoulders. Too little, too late. Lost moments and unattainable futures streaked through their shared consciousness.
    Jay turned to Kristi, his lips twitching into a rueful smile. “Is it too late to run away together?”
    Kristi let out a small, bittersweet laugh. If only Jay had listened to her sooner. The two of them could be so far into the wilds, they’d never be found. Then it’d only be the two of them and, maybe a little later, some pups. The thought made Kristi’s heart ache and Jay let out a pained grunt, rubbing at his chest.
    “Yes, Jay, it’s too late to run away,” Kristi breathed, scooting closer to him. He tensed, anticipation gnawing at his thoughts. The yellow-eyed woman shifted in the dark until she straddled his lap. His hands instantly brushed up her legs, enjoying the feel of her denim under his palms. Kristi leaned close to his ear, a hot whisper splayed over his lobe, “But we can still enjoy our time together.”
    Jay smiled as a shiver ran down his body. As much as he’d love to take her in that cavern, yet again, he was afraid his body couldn’t handle it. Just as he opened his mouth to voice his concerns, Kristi’s lips caught his earlobe. A loud groan echoed from his lips and his cock twitched against his pants. In a sudden rush of hormones, Jay realized how soft her body felt against his bare chest and how warm her thighs

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