The Wilder Alpha
under the oncoming transformation.
    “Enough of this!” A snarl rang through the arena. Silence blanketed the seats and every pair of eyes turned toward the source. The only one who wasn’t distracted was Selene.
    With a shriek, the alpha female launched herself at Jay.
    “Shit!” He hissed under his breath, his absentmindedness shattered. Jay slammed his arms up, ready to guard himself against the redhead, but the weight of her impact never came. Another figure slammed into Selene in mid-jump, pushing her off the intended trajectory.
    Kristi landed in a crouch near Jay. A tsunami of emotions charged through Jay, his mental barriers momentarily disengaged from sheer shock. “Kristi!”
    She only had the time to shoot him a brief smile before Gavin’s voice rang out over the silent arena, “What’s the meaning of this?”
    Gavin bristled, his green eyes nearly glowing in the light of the moon. His muscles bulged, caught between mid-transformation. His nose wrinkled as he growled under his breath. Anger
    “Everyone, back!” Selene ordered, waving away the betas and guards who suddenly surged onto the field. Selene turned her amber eyes to Kristi, silently demanding an answer. Kristi leered at her leaders, breathing heavily. Adrenaline and fear coursed through her veins as the wolf clawed through her thoughts. She had stifled her instincts the best she could until her resolve broke.
    Waves of relief and happiness, from Jay, lapped at her body. That brief exchange smoothed Kristi’s fear. If they both died, at least they’d die together.
    Gavin’s wide-eyed snarl twisted at his features. “Beta Kristi, what are you doing?”
    “I’m not going to allow this,” she replied, standing straighter. Her own body reacted to the moment and the moon. Her muscles strained against her skin as they wobbled between shifting and staying in form. Despite her rebellion, Kristi didn’t want to pose a threat to her alphas. Yet. She capped her transformation, forcefully.
    “You’re going to challenge our ruling?” Gavin huffed, his eyes widening.
    Confusion dotted his voice and Jay couldn’t help his smirk. The alpha had lost complete control of the situation. He took a few steps forward until he and Kristi stood a few feet away. Jay tensed and made a move to step before Kristi, but his Mate waved him back with her clawed hand. Sensing this was her issue she had to address, Jay backed down. He still glared lividly at Gavin, waiting for just the wrong move.
    Gavin nearly screamed as he posited his demanded inquiry, “ Why? What is this mutt to you?”
    Silence plopped down in the arena. Kristi could almost hear everyone take a deep inhale, waiting for an answer. No one could have guessed her answer. Her eyes turned to Jay, her thoughts rumbling through her head. He might hate her tomorrow when he realized what she was doing. However, the alphas would never kill them both. They needed the information they both possessed.
    Kristi brought her gaze back to Gavin. For the first time, she and her alpha locked gazes. They didn’t meet eyes as comrades, but as enemies. A small, old part of her ached with rue as her eyebrows lowered. While keeping an eye on both alphas, Kristi’s mind formed each word into a silent howl as she spoke, “He’s my Mate.”

    Darkness and silence locked into the cavern. Blindsided, the alphas threw her and Jay into his previous cell. They couldn’t execute her for standing up for the sake of her Mate. Well, they could, but the pack’s approval rating for Kristi outweighed Gavin’s and, maybe, even Selene’s. Kristi anticipated her alphas needed some time to discuss their options. After all, she and Jay were connected on a deep spiritual level. One of them should talk, now that Gavin had bargaining chips to exploit.
    Kristi heaved a sigh, hoping this was the right path for them.
    Beside her, Jay’s body

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