The Wedding Wish (Summer Grooms Series)

The Wedding Wish (Summer Grooms Series) by Ginny Baird

Book: The Wedding Wish (Summer Grooms Series) by Ginny Baird Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ginny Baird
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    Chapter One

strolled quickly through central campus, a backpack slung over her shoulder.
The backpack bounced as she scurried along, rushing to make her eleven o’clock
class. The day was bright and sunny with Frisbee players dotting the green
stretch of lawn. Soon spring semester would end, and a lazy summer ambiance
would settle in amid the blossoming dogwoods and magnolia trees. She was
studying for her Masters in Art so was determined to go straight through her
program. Being a year-round student wasn’t so bad, and her job in the art
library helped her afford it. The grant money didn’t hurt either. She’d never
really planned to go to school in the same town where her parents lived, but
when the financial packages came in, this had been the best offer she’d gotten.
    Wham! Isabel
felt something slam into her shoulder, and her backpack slid to the ground.
man! I’m so sorr—”
looked up into gorgeous brown eyes. He stood about six feet tall, with extra-broad
shoulders and honey-blond hair.
expression lit up. “Isabel? Isabel Miller?”
paused a moment to study him; then her lips turned up in a grin. It couldn’t
be, but it was. The one man who’d completely broken her heart. Of course, that
had been at age twelve, but still… “Robert?”
face warmed all over as he held her gaze. “I can’t believe it’s you.”
bent quickly to the ground and picked up her backpack, then handed it over. “I
totally apologize for running into you. Are you all right?”
think so,” she said, still dumbstruck. “I mean, yeah. Of course.” Robert Reed,
after all this time. Since he’d morphed into a man, she was surprised she’d
recognized him. Then again, she could never forget those chocolate-colored
hope I didn’t leave a bruise.”
he’d left a bruise all right. Way down deep in her heart. But that hadn’t
really been his fault. “I’m sure I’ll live,” she said, sliding the backpack
onto her shoulder.
can’t believe you’re at Eastern,” he said. “Are you a student?”
says you can’t go home again?” she asked with a grin. “How about you?”
did the same,” he told her. “I’m in med school, second year.”
tilted her head to the side, springy curls bouncing. “As I recall, you always
had the inclination.”
handsome face colored from the neck up. No doubt, he remembered too. All those
late afternoons in the den playing doctor. Mostly what got examined was her
mouth—with his tongue. Not that she’d minded. Isabel had actually
suggested the game.

stared down into pretty blue eyes, feeling his temperature spike. While he’d
believed Isabel to be pretty as a kid, she was one smoking knockout now. Her
golden hair still fell in ringlets past her shoulders, but those shoulders now
framed an awesomely female body. “Isabel, let me explain…”
laughed sweetly, the sound recalling a song from long ago. “No explanations
needed. Whatever you remember, I had a part in it too.”
fell into her eyes, the sky and trees swirling around him. How could she still
do this to him after so much time? “Yes. I mean…” He stammered slightly. “We
both did. Want to.”
sure did,” she said, her pretty face aglow.
suddenly remembered his mission. “It’s been so great seeing you, but I’ve got
to get somewhere.”
checked the time on her cell. “Me too.”
are you headed?”
the Art Center. And you?”
face flamed. “I’m uh…” He glanced quickly around the quad. “Going that way,” he
said, pointing in the opposite direction. “Say, Isabel,” he said before she
could turn to go. “Do you think we could meet up later? It would be great to
grab a cup of coffee and hear what you’ve been up to.”
face brightened in a smile. “Coffee later sounds great.”
me at the Student Center? Three

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