THE WARNING A Novel of America in the Last Days (The End of America Series Book 2)

THE WARNING A Novel of America in the Last Days (The End of America Series Book 2) by John Price Page A

Book: THE WARNING A Novel of America in the Last Days (The End of America Series Book 2) by John Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Price
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President, even including a
threat to physically remove him from office, don’t you think that the
government should enforce the McAlister Act and stop these hate word attacks?
The McAlister Act prohibits attacks on public officials. I certainly hope that
the FBI and DHS, and whatever other agency, will go after these haters, arrest
them, convict them and put them away where they can no longer pollute the
internet. America should not grant freedom to those who abuse free speech. I
say just lock ‘em up and throw away the key. For the leaders, the people behind
this horrible libel, maybe a bullet wouldn’t be too good for them, I’m just
             “Ditto that, Tom. Anyone who tries to
overthrow the government is guilty of treason. Traitors deserve the death
penalty. That’s an American historical tradition, I’m pretty sure. Hang ‘em up,
string ‘em up….stop the treason. Protect our President. The only reason they
hate him so deeply is his nationality. That’s what I’m sayin’. Back to the news
             Instead of convincing moderate
and conservative voters that the Communist memo was to be avoided the attacks
by the media brought it to the attention of those who had not read it on the
internet. Polls showed that within just a few days over eighty percent of
Americans knew about the accusation that their government had been taken over
by Marxists, though a slim majority said they didn’t believe it.

Beach, Florida
             “Is this America’s most listened to talk show host?”
             “ Yup . You got him. Who’s this?”
             “Don’t you recognize my voice?”
             “No…. I don’t….wait. Say something else.”
             “How much do you want me to say? I can….”
             “Oh, I know who you are. Long time no talk. Not since our
foursome out at Carmel. What was that - one, one and a half years ago?”
             “Yeah, something like that. Look, we need to meet and talk.
             “Well, sure….that is….you know my schedule. The world knows my schedule. I don’t
have any open….”
             “You will want to
talk to me. Sooner. Not later. This is critical .”
             “When people tell me how important it is that I meet with
them that generally means it’s super important to them, but not to me. Just tell me what this is
             “Your life. Your ability to
continue to live it….that’s all I can say until we meet.”
             “ Hold on , ol’
buddy, you got through my layers of security to talk to me based on our
friendship. Don’t abuse it by dripping veiled threats of I don’t know what all.
If you want to….”
             “I’ll be at your beach house at 8 PM tomorrow night. Let
your gate guy know. Believe me when I
say you will want to hear what I have to disclose to you. Your future is in the
             All he could do in response was sputter, “ But ….you….I just said….Are you still
there?.... You’ve hung up? ....What
             The next night as 8 PM neared America’s favorite radio
talker was not very happy. He was puffing his Cuban cigar at an accelerated
rate, the tip burning crimson red. People just don’t treat me like this, he
thought. This guy is dis-respecting our friendship, he felt. Security buzzed in
to alert him that his expected guest was on his way to the beach house.
             He decided to make the best of what was clearly an awkward
situation. He offered his guest a glass of wine, which was declined. His guest
sat on the edge of the chair that was offered to him and plunged immediately
into the purpose of his visit, “Ol’ friend, you
have to move .”
             “ Move ? What are
you talking about? I haven’t been here all that long. New York was a….”

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