The Visitor

The Visitor by K. A. Applegate

Book: The Visitor by K. A. Applegate Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. A. Applegate
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would be a very un-catlike thing to do.
    He walked. I kept pace perfectly, just behind.
    He headed down the stairs. I figured this part would be easier. When people walk down stairs they usually look where they are going. They don’t turn around and look behind them.
    But one sound, one clumsy move, and I was finished.
    We reached the bottom of the stairs. Suddenly Chapman stopped dead.
    I leaped behind the couch.
    He looked around, like he’d heard a noise. Or maybe he just sensed something.
    I froze. I didn’t move a muscle.
    He started on toward the door. I fell into step behind him again.
    I nearly had a heart attack.
    My tail puffed up. My back fur went straight up. I almost bolted.
    Chapman stopped and I nearly got entangled inhis legs. His left foot moved. I dodged. He backed up a little. I squirmed out of the way.
    Chapman opened the door of the secret room. He stepped through. I was right between his monstrously big feet. If he happened to glance down …
    But he didn’t. He didn’t, and when he turned around to shut the door behind him, I bolted for the desk. I jammed my body as far back in the dark corner as I could.
    I’d made it … barely. I was alive … so far.
     He sounded concerned.
    Me, I was just angry.
     I yelled silently.
    me? Jake, this is not the time to be playing jokes.>
    Chapman sat down at the desk. His feet pushed beneath the desk, just narrowly missing me as I once again dodged nimbly out of the way.
    I kept my eyes focused on Chapman’s feet. Cats have incredible powers of concentration. I focused hard on those big feet, each almost as big as I was. I had to stay out of their way. That was the key to staying alive.
     Jake said.

E xcuse me?> It would have been funny if I hadn’t been so terrified. flea?
     he said.
     Of course! That’s why Cassie had made such a point of patting my back. She was depositing Jake on me.
    I sighed inwardly. I guess it’s good to have friends who care about you. But on the other hand, Jake had practically made me run into Chapman. Besides, the idea of Jake morphing into a flea and crawling around in my fur just gave me the worst creeps you can imagine.
    Suddenly the brilliant light went on. Visser Three appeared

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