The Velvet Glove
next two days she was lethargic and appeared to take little interest in the babies, feeding them only when necessary, then wanting them taken back to their frilly cots. Rick did all he could to cheer her with lavish gifts and compliments, praising her courage, and the beauty of his daughters. She took no notice.
    Then, suddenly, on the third day she came alive again, and for the first time since their arrival, smiled.
    The nurse had just left the room, and Rick was standing at the bedside. Kate finally touched the forehead of one baby peeping from its white shawl. ‘Aren’t they funny little things?’ she said.
    ‘ They’re beautiful,’ he answered, ‘and so are you.’
    ‘ Now don’t flatter. I must look a sight. I’m sorry I’ve been such a dreary thing – and I’m sorry one isn’t a boy. I know you wanted a son—’
    ‘ My dear love, I wouldn’t change these two for any male Ferris in the world.’ There was a pause before he said, ‘Plenty of time ahead for—’ He broke off.
    Her expression clouded. ‘For what? Go on, tell me, but don’t expect me to go through all this again.’
    ‘ Of course not,’ he said. ‘I don’t expect anything from you you don’t want yourself. At the moment all you’ve got to do is to take things easily and get your strength back. That’s the priority always – to be my own lovely tantalizing wife again.’
    But she knew he was merely evading the issue, and because of her drained energy half-dreaded the future.
    The babies were in no way identical. One was dark-eyed with a tuft of reddish dark hair, the other light brown and more fragile-looking.
    ‘ My mother was fairish when she was young,’ Kate said one day when she and Rick were pondering over them. ‘The other one – well, she’ll probably have very dark hair when she’s older, like you.’
    ‘ A Ferris?’ One of his eye-brows shot up whimsically. ‘Poor little blighter. What will we call them then? We never settled for names.’
    ‘ I wondered about Felicity for the fair one.’
    ‘ Felicity ? Where did that come from?’
    ‘ I don’t quite know. But I like it – it means happiness.’
    ‘ Felicity Ferris? Hm.’
    ‘ You think it’s silly?’
    ‘ No. Just a bit fancy. However, what about the other one?’
    ‘ Your turn, Rick.’
    His answer was immediate. ‘Marged?’
    ‘ Marged?’ she echoed the word softly.
    ‘ It was my mother’s name. Welsh. Remember?’
    ‘ Oh. Well, yes, of course, if you want; it has a kind of darkness in it – just as Felicity seems sort of light and sunshiny – a bit ethereal. Marged has a rich colour like forest trees in the autumn, and sunset on dark, still pools.’ She broke off, smiling faintly. ‘I suppose I sound a bit silly – sentimental. But I think now I like Marged very much. I’m a bit sleepy though, Rick, so let’s leave it for the moment, and then have another think.’
    The result of this conversation was that a month later the twins were christened in Lynchester Cathedral as Felicity and Marged Ferris.
    In February, out of courtesy, and as a family gesture, presumably to celebrate the birth of the Ferris twins and the first anniversary of Jon ’s marriage to Cassandra, the Barringtons and Rick and Kate were invited to Charnbrook for dinner.
    ‘ It must be done, William,’ Olivia said resignedly. ‘Not only as a show of good manners, but to find out what we can about the relationship between our son and that silly girl he married. Things aren’t right, you know. Jon isn’t at all like he once was – so short-tempered and on edge. I’ve done my best to draw him out, but he was almost rude to me the other day, and as for Cassandra herself – I wonder sometimes if there’s something seriously wrong with her. Mentally, I mean – she’s so vague and whenever I try to get to grips with any problem there could be, she puts that sly smile on her face and says, “We’re quite happy, Lady Olivia. Jon and I love each other”.’

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