The Velvet Glove
She frowned. ‘But I don’t believe that young woman has a shred of feeling in her.’
    ‘ Hm.’ Sir William took a pull on his pipe. ‘You must do as you think fit, my dear. Have the dinner party by all means, although what chance there’ll be for any private conversation’s doubtful, I’d say. Still, a show of good feeling will be all to the good. I owe quite a bit to Barrington at the moment. Had bad luck with another lot of shares –Pelham & Company – only the other week, and Walter very kindly put his hand in his pocket for me.’
    ‘ Oh William! Why do you take such risks? Spending what we haven’t got and having to rely on people like the Barringtons to get you out of a hole!’
    ‘ Knowing us more than pays him, Olivia. Not so many of our breed about these days.’
    Olivia sighed. ‘It seems nothing will change you. But on this I am determined . I’m going to discover what is wrong with Jonathan.’
    ‘ Do, do. Give your dinner party, put on a good show, and I’ll somehow contrive to see you two mothers have a chance of a chin-wag. Women have a better nose for these things than men.’
    So the event was arranged, and invitations sent to the Barringtons and Ferrises.
    Kate at first wanted to refuse and searched for an excuse. But Rick, as usual, was determined to accept.
    ‘ Only a week or two ago you were complaining that nothing happened, that you were tired of seeing just “babies and bottles”,’ he reminded her. ‘Now there’s a chance of dressing up to the eyes and showing off your new slender figure again, you go stubborn and want to decline. Well, my darling, you’ll do as I say for once, and I mean it — even if I have to drag you by the hair of your head.’
    ‘ You brute!’
    ‘ Exactly. To tell you the truth, Kate, I’m getting somewhat tired of your tantrums lately. Another thing – don’t let me overhear you threatening to slap either of my daughters again. I heard you the other day; Marged, wasn’t it? Oh, I realize she can be a wilful little thing, and I don’t suppose you meant it for a moment. But if you ever raise a hand against either of the twins, and I get to know of it – it’s you who’ll get the slapping. So remember it.’
    Kate wheeled round on him.
    ‘You’ve no right to talk like that, even in fun. You—’
    ‘ Oh, I can assure it wasn’t fun, my love—’
    ‘ Anyhow,’ she interrupted, ‘you want me interested in the twins all the time, although I’m not allowed to do anything for them; oh, no, We have a nanny and servants for that. Am I just supposed to look on them? Without a right to say a word or use a touch of discipline when it’s necessary?’
    ‘ I didn’t say that. At the moment they’re only babies, Kate. I realize Marged’s a bit of a bawler – it’s just high spirits. I guess you were the same at her age – maybe a bit worse.’
    ‘ I was supposed to be a very good baby,’ Kate told him primly.
    He laughed. ‘And some say “pigs can fly”. Now—’ his voice softened, ‘forget this silly argument, just concentrate on counting your blessings and think about what you’re going to wear for the “get-together”?’
    She eventually chose soft luscious velvet in a deep lilac shade with a flimsy chiffon shawl spotted with diamante for her shoulders. She had a single flower in her piled-up hair that curled in a fringe over her forehead, and round her white neck wore a diamond necklace, one of Rick ’s gifts to her.
    They arrived at Charnbrook shortly before seven; and the Wentworth family and Barringtons were already gathered in the drawing-room when Kate was taken down by a maid from the powder room to join them.
    It was then that Kate received her first shock.
    She was seated near to Mrs Barrington on a high-backed satin-upholstered chair at the far end of the room facing the door as Lady Wentworth moved, hand extended, to greet Rick and his wife. The men were gathered by the massive marble fireplace,

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