The Vampire-Alien Chronicles

The Vampire-Alien Chronicles by Ronald Wintrick Page A

Book: The Vampire-Alien Chronicles by Ronald Wintrick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ronald Wintrick
to destroy the entire planet ,” I said, “if they can't have it for themselves.”
    “Then why fight at all.”  She asked rhetorically.
    “We must.  We have no choice.”  I said.  “They made the rules.  I don't see options here.”
    “Better to destroy the planet than give it to them.”  Sonafi said bitterly.  I could see that she was serious.  The sharp edge I knew she could bare when necessary sh owing itself.
    “I've tried not to think so fatalistically, but nor would I be willing to just give them this world.”  I said.  “This is our world.  I would not give it to them without a fight.  Do you think our future is as gloomy as all that, that we must consider such extreme countermeasures?”
    “I don't know.  I don't know what to think anymore.”  Sonafi said.  “It seems we are backed into the corner and must consider all options.”
    “But to destroy the planet?”  I asked.
                  “It's not just a matter of ourselves that I think of.  If we allow them to succeed here, we'll be the stepping stone they use to do this to someone else.  It's a hard thing to think, to contemplate, but it's even harder not to.  I have really been thinking about it recently, because only recently has it really become possible.”
    She meant anti-matter, of course.  I knew enough of current events to know that much, at least.  A limited nuclear exchange might damage the planet, but had very little chance of destroying it completely.  The anti-matter they were making in the several particle colliders now in operation around the globe, and using to powe r the space craft they were colonizing the moon, Mars and various other chunks of rock in our system with, would be more than sufficient to do the job, with only a small quantity of the volatile material.
    “Let's hope that it does not come t o anything as final as that.”  I said, though thinking that if it did come to that, we would probably have no difficulty in pulling it off, nor would many of the Community be likely to dissent.  Vampires could be vengeful, ruthless beings.  I would know.
    “It looks as if they are about finished.”  Sonafi commented.  Just as s he spoke a small insect-eating bat swooped near us and I reached out and plucked it from the air.  It set up a terrific squeaking then tried to bite me, but its jaws were inadequate to the task and it could not break my skin.  I let it go before by some fluke it should succeed, and it flew off into the night.
    “It might not be wise to create real Vampire bats.”  I said.
    “Possibly not.”  Sonafi agreed.  “This world is faced with enough problems as it is.”  The Burns had heard the bat’s frantic squeaking and paused to look up into the darkness for the cause of the disturbance, but unable to determine what had caused it and the bat no longer squeaking, quickly returned their attentions to what they were doing.
    My cell phone vibrated in my pocket and I scuttled over the peak before answering it.  It was Brid.
    “I've arranged your transportation.”  Brid said without preamble.  “By private jet tomorrow night.”
    “Airplane?”  I asked immediat ely unhappy with the prospect.
    “Yes.  You'll be shipped as freight.”
    “Freight?”  I demanded.
    “ Would you prefer First Class?”
    “I don't like risk.”  I said.  “In fact, I do not think I would like to fly at all.”
    “I could charter a small boat.”  Brid offered.
    “I do not like small boats.”  I said.
    “It could be a fast small…“
    “No.”  I interrupted him, suddenly regretting my decision to go at all.  Maybe I would, after all, simply pick up the phone and call them.  Or weren't there enough, already, to grab one single Other?
                  “You would be aboard a ship for a week or more.”  Brid warned.  “You know the dangers of that as well as any.”  He meant having to feed on the passengers and crew within a closed

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