the Montes Azules materials he carted around in his briefcase?
5. Why was Morales at that dinner with former president Ernesto Zedillo, Julia Carabias, and Carlos Tello Díaz?
6. Who or what was the final destination of the briefcases full of euros that Morales carried from the Financial Center to the María Cristina metro station in Barcelona?
7. What was Morales’s specific role in the new structure of EL YUNQUE in Mexico?
The third document wasn’t really a document, just a napkin with the following:
Barcelona exhausted. Answers … in Mexico? In Chiapas? A Barcelona — La Realidad — Mexico City axis?
Was Manuel Vázquez Montalbán making an investigation or a puzzle? Whatever the case, we had to investigate the pieces. I went to talk to the committee. We thought it over for a while and decided to send Elías into the Monster. After Elías left, I sent other commissions out to gather information on the Montes Azules and I asked Deep Throat to send me anything he had on the current antics of Zedillo and Carabias. I wrote a letter to Alvaro Delgado, a journalist with Proceso magazine and an expert researcher on El Yunque and its reactivation under the Fox administration, begging him for information on that ultrarightist group. I wrote one other letter, addressed to the Good Governance Board of Los Altos, asking them to contact the Fray Bartolomé de las Casas Human Rights Center to gather information on the Acteal massacre. As I was compiling information, Elías would be learning how to get around in Mexico City.
When I deduced from Elías’s reports that he was ready, I instructed him to find Doña Rosario Ibarra de Piedra. She would know where to find Belascoarán, and perhaps she and the ladies of Eureka might also know something about this Morales and his role in the Dirty War.
A Little Card
Me, I knew right off that Mamá Piedra was the one we call Doña Rosario Ibarra de Piedra, who works with a group of ladies we call the Doñas, and they’re organized to locate men and women who were disappeared by the bad government of the PRI, and the other bad governments, which are the PAN and the PRD, cause they just clam up and never admit where they disappeared those people, that is, fighters for justice for the poor, which means that they were on the side of the people who are screwed, which is all of us. The group is called Eureka, which means that they get real happy when they find a disappeared person and reappear them, and then they have a party that they call Eureka.
So I found Doña Rosario. It took awhile cause she wasn’t in the Monster. She was in Monterrey. So when she turned up, I went to see her at her little house.
She got real happy when she saw me and she kept hugging me and calling me my son and all, and she kept hitting me, but not like she was mad; it was just the way she was, cause she’s from the north and that’s kind of how northerners behave. And she asked me about El Sup and how he was and if he was sick and about the cold up there, which is where I am now, because up there for the city people means right here for us, and out here is up there for the city folk. You can see why people keep saying that I got my head a little mixed up.
So the thing is, I couldn’t hardly say nothing, what with all the hugging and questions from Mamá Piedra, as we called her. When she finally got through with her hugging and things, she asked me if I was hungry and I said I was, a bit, and while she was cooking cuche with mole, or something like that, I explained to her just what it was that I was doing in the Monster and that I was on an Investigation Commission. When I mentioned this Morales, she sorta got real still and quiet, like she was thinking. Then she said the food was ready and we ate and it was real delicious, the cuche with mole, and really hot and spicy.
When we were having our coffee, Doña Piedra said that the simple truth was she couldn’t remember no Morales, but that she was
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