The Unaccomplished Lady Eleanor

The Unaccomplished Lady Eleanor by Wendy Burdess Page A

Book: The Unaccomplished Lady Eleanor by Wendy Burdess Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wendy Burdess
Tags: Nov. Rom
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brought over her p rize from the archery competition.  With the awful business with Felicity, she had completely forgotten about it .  Now James had an ideal opportunity to inform the d owager of what would undoubtedly be classed as Eleano r’s ‘shockingly unbecoming behaviour’ a n d she would receive the biggest scolding of her life. 
    The d owager ’s enquiring gaze came to rest on her goddaughter.  ‘ And what, may I ask, would Mickey Humphreys be doing here with dead rabbits, Eleanor? ’
    Eleanor flushed guiltily.  ‘ I, er- ’
    ‘ T hey are to be distributed between the farmhouses, Aunt, ’ cut in James.  ‘ Two men were poaching in the woods yesterday .  Mickey caught them and Lady Eleanor instructed him to share the bounty between the various farmhouses. ’  
    The dowager’s dark eyes narrowed.  ‘ Did she indeed?   So, why, in that case, is Mr Humphreys bringing the rabbits here , pray ? ’
    ‘ I, um, have no- ’ stammered Eleanor, growing increasingly uncomfortable under h er godmother’s scrutiny .
    ‘ T he man has obviously forgotten his instructions, ’ piped up James. ‘ Please remind him, Giles, that the rabbits are to be distributed between the houses on the estate. ’
    ‘ Very well, my lord, ’ replied Giles, bowing his head and exit ing the room. 
    Ja mes shook his head in exasperation .  ‘ Damned farmers .  Can’t remember where they live sometimes .  A lthough , having seen some of their wives, perhaps that is merely wishful thinking. ’
    Relief coursing through her, E leanor failed to suppress a snort of laughter.
    ‘ Really, Eleanor, ’ tutt ed the d owager , ‘ it does not do for young ladies to snort like a farmya rd animal.  Indeed, it is most- ’
    ‘ - un becoming , ’ cho rused Eleanor and James together, be fore collapsing into fits of hysterical laughter.
    The d owager ’s pursed lips and stern expression showed that she was not impressed with their uncouth behaviour.   ‘ I do wish, Eleanor, that you would take matters regarding your conduct a little more seriously.  H eaven only knows how we will ever find a man who c an cope with you.  Now, girl , you are aware, are you not , that we have a number of social occasions to attend next week? ’
    Eleanor attempted a serious tone.  ‘ Y es, Godmother. ’
    ‘ And have you, dare I ask, given any thought to what you are to wear to these occasions? ’
    Focussing on her toast, Eleanor attempted to quell the bubble of laughter s welling in her stomach.  But, at a roar of laughter from James, she could hold it back no longer.
    ‘ I’m afraid I have not, Godmother, ’ she blu rted out, tears of laughter rolling down her cheeks.  ‘ I haven’t given it any thought at all . ’
    James was now laughing so hard that he had pushed back his chair from the table and was almost doubled up. 
    The d owager cast them both a n exasperated look .  ‘The n it is just as well that one of us has the foresight to think of such matters.  You will accompany me to London today, Eleanor , where we shall buy you a new gown.  We will leave at eleven o ’ clock sharp. ’
    This announcement resulted in yet more hysterics, until Giles, obviously unimpressed at so much activity in one morning, appeared once again in the doorway.  ‘ Excuse me, my lord, but a note has been delivered for you. The messenger informed me that it requires your urgent attention. ’
    Al l laughter ceased .  A serious expr ession spread over James’s face.  ‘ Give it here, ’ he instructed . 
    Snatching the envelope from the tray, James ripped it open and proceeded to read the note .  As he did so, Eleanor observed all colour drain from his face .   
    ‘ Excuse me, Aunt , Lady Eleanor, ’ he said, thrusting to his feet.  ‘ But I have a matter of some import to attend to. ’
    And with that , h e strode out of the room lea ving Eleanor with the uneasy feeling that the note had had something to do with Felicity

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