studied and
noted how that correlates to any neurologic or other effects. They also should have measured the genes involvedin detoxification of mercury, such as apo E4 and GSTM1. Again, this is just plain bad science.
3. The study itself and its accompanying editorial disclose, as potential conflicts of interest, that a number of the authors are either former employees or serve on an advisory board of, or were receiving grant support, lecture fees, or consulting fees from, the very manufacturers who put mercury in vaccines in the first place. That’s like putting tobacco companies in charge of studies on the risks of smoking.
4. They didn’t explain how it could be safe that between 1991 and 1999, little babies could have inadvertently received up to 125 times the EPA safe level of mercury as determined by the oral methyl mercury standard on any given day that multiple vaccines were given. This not only exceeded the EPA standard but also the FDA, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, and World Health Organization safety standards.
This kind of unscientific “research” is the problem that keeps the medical industry (not to mention our economy) connected to practices that clearly don’t promote health and well-being.
If thimerosal is as safe as studies like this attempt to suggest, why was it removed from use after fifty years from most childhood and adult vaccines in 2001 (except, of course, the ones we export to the third world)? You can find out which vaccines contain mercury by going to .
Mercury isn’t safe. It’s the second-most toxic subtance known to human biology on the planet. The only chemical worse is plutonium.
Yet mercury is everywhere in our society. Here are a few examples:
A mercury-containing powder called calomel was given to babies for teething pains in the 1940s and caused pink disease (a syndrome that included cognitive and psychiatric disorders that mimicked autism). Incidentally, calomel has been used since the early days of American history as a remedy for many diseases. It is what led to President Andrew Jackson’s insanity. 30
Most of us used a topical disinfectant called Mercurochrome (which was silently banned by the FDA in 1998 because it was no longer considered safe due to its mercury content) for all our wounds when we were young.
Mercury fillings or “silver” amalgams are still used in dentistry (except in most European countries, where they are banned, andin Canada, where use is highly discouraged). Though highly controversial, the American Dental Association continues to support their safety and use.
If mercury in fillings is stable and does not influence human health, why do autopsy studies show the level of mercury in tissues (especially the brain) directly correlates to the number of fillings in the mouth? 31 And why are dental fillings considered toxic waste (whose disposal the EPA regulates) when removed from your body ( )? Why are they banned or restricted in Canada, Germany, and Sweden? And why do studies show that the mercury migrates right through the teeth into the bloodstream? 32
Let me reiterate this:
mercury is the second-most toxic substance known to human biology after plutonium.
Do not
underestimate what ingesting this poison, from medications, dental “silver” fillings, large marine fish like tuna or shark, or even environmental exposure can do to your body. Twenty-five percent of New Yorkers have toxic blood levels of mercury from eating too much sushi and 15 percent of American women of childbearing age have toxic levels of mercury in their blood. 33 That means that 15 percent of the 4 million children born in the U.S.A. each year or 600,000 children are exposed to toxic levels of mercury in the womb. 34
This is a serious health concern. Mercury will wreak havoc on your body and your brain.
Toxic Chemicals
We are exposed to astounding amounts of
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