The Ultimate Betrayal

The Ultimate Betrayal by Annette Mori

Book: The Ultimate Betrayal by Annette Mori Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annette Mori
Tags: Romance
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habits so well, including when they normally get up after…”
    Joy raised her eyebrow. “After? Oh, I need to hear every single detail. Let’s wait until Archie here leaves and then tell me everything.”
    The young man blushed and made a quick exit.
    “I’m not telling you every detail, you smarmy voyeur,” Sophia exclaimed.
    Joy pouted. “You’re no fun. I’ll give you every detail about my night.”
    “That’s because you are a shameless exhibitionist and that extends to the vocalization of every single detail of your extensive sexploits ,” Sophia quipped.
    “ Sexploits , I like that. So, I take it from the expression on your face that you finally got some and boy, it sure looks good on you.”
    Sophia was glowing in the aftermath of her evening with her wife. “Yes, I did and that’s all the details you’ll get from me. Come on into the bedroom and tell me all about your night while I get dressed.
    “I’d love to. I never miss a chance to see you naked.”
    “Oh, shush now. So, did you meet someone?” Sophia asked.
    “Indeed I did. A leggy brunette who I swear fucked me raw. You know that I don’t often let someone top me, but damn she was hot. The vision of her long hair hovering above me while she expertly used her strap on is almost enough to made me come again just sitting here telling you about it.”
    “God, Joy, the way you talk about your liaisons, one would think you’re an uneducated, low rent hussy, instead of a highly educated professor of English literature. Do you save it all up just for me to see whether you can get a rise out of me?”
    “You’ve discovered my secret. See, I know that deep down there is this wildly passionate, throw caution to the wind hellcat simmering underneath your well-put together veneer.”
    Sophia winked. “You could be right and for the right person, that hellcat comes out to play. My wife used to cajole it from me on a regular basis and based on last night’s activities….” Sophia peeked around the partially closed bathroom door. “I’m back.”
    “Oh yes, I love you in those jeans. Your ass looks especially pinchable ,” Joy remarked.
    Sophia climbed into her comfortable jeans and leaned toward the makeup mirror to apply a little eyeliner, mascara, and blush. She blew out her long wavy hair and let it settle loosely on her shoulders. “Okay I’m ready. Listen, Lara mentioned a surprise for me and I’m dying to find out what it is. Do you mind if I make a quick call?”
    “Not at all. Go ahead.”
    Sophia grabbed her phone and dialed the number to Lara’s Seattle office. “Yes, may I please speak to Lara. This is Sophia. Oh, okay. No, I’ll try to catch up with her later.”
    “The business tycoon is not available, huh? We should just march down to her office and make her come to lunch with us. I’d like to visit with her cute assistant. Maybe she’ll join us.”
    “I don’t think that’s such a good idea. It sounds like she’s busy. I’m sure she’ll call again later,” Sophia reasoned.
    Joy batted her eyes. “Please. How much can it hurt to simply stop by and just see if she’s available and if her lovely assistant is free as well?”
    “Oh, all right, you big baby, but we better hurry if we want to see a bit more of the city before stopping by her office. It’s a little after ten already.”


    Rachel smiled when her assistant told her that her wife had called and wanted her to call her right back when she got in. Rachel was running late again and forgot to check her phone. After learning that Lara had called, she glanced at her phone and noted the text message and voicemail from Lara.
    The text was brief. You’re evil. Call me.
    “Thanks,” she said over her shoulder as she rushed into her office and shut the door so she could talk privately with her wife. It was already eight thirty and if she knew her wife, which she did, Lara was probably already embroiled in some account. However, Lara had asked

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