The Ultimate Betrayal

The Ultimate Betrayal by Annette Mori Page A

Book: The Ultimate Betrayal by Annette Mori Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annette Mori
Tags: Romance
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her to call back and even tried to track her down at the hospital where she worked as the executive director of the foundation, so it must be important enough to interrupt her.
    Rachel thought back to the night she’d met Lara two and a half years ago at the annual children’s hospital foundation dinner. She remembered glancing up and seeing a striking woman in a tuxedo. Not too many women dared to wear a tux—even in the liberal city of Seattle. Later she would learn that Lara felt equally comfortable in a sexy black dress or a full tuxedo. It depended on her mood, regarding which she would choose for these types of events. Rachel noted she looked equally scrumptious in both.
    Rachel picked up the receiver on the phone that sat next to her computer and punched in the number she knew by heart. “Hi Chandra, it’s Rachel. Is Lara available? She did? Great. Well, hello yourself. I’m flattered that you directed Chandra to interrupt you if I called. So what’s up, did you get my message?” Rachel laughed as she listened to Lara’s response. “Sure. I have a light day today, so no problem. I’ll swing by around noon if that works.   Oh yes, I am most definitely looking forward to seeing you. I missed you last night. I love you, too. See you in a bit.”
    Rachel hung up the phone and debated whether she should remove her underwear and go commando for her lunch date with her wife. She nodded to herself and walked around the corner to sneak off to the bathroom and remove the potential barrier to a little afternoon delight. Lunch was always a double entendre in her world. Rachel had a definite spring in her step for the remainder of the morning and an ear-to-ear grin. Meeting her wife for lunch never got old for her, but it was especially desirable today since she’d had to sleep alone last night.


    Lara paced inside her office. She practiced in her head what she would say to Rachel. Maybe her wife would be too distracted to worry about hearing that Lara needed to travel back to New York so soon. She’d decided to mention it in an off-handed manner so as not to draw too much attention to the situation. Perhaps she would wait until Rachel was on her way back to her own office after lunch and then she would say something like , I know I just got back, but an emergency came up and I need to head back to New York for a couple of weeks. I’ll just catch a limo to the airport, so don’t bother to re-arrange your work schedule .
    Yes, that ought to do it.
    Rachel had a fiery temper and Lara knew that if she wasn’t careful she would set off the powder keg. She’d been successfully managing Rachel since she’d won her, but it always took just the right words to handle her. She had a good thing going with Rachel and didn’t want to chance screwing that up.
    It was eleven forty five and if Rachel wasn’t too late, she would be here any minute. Lara didn’t want to waste any of her precious time, so she sat back down at her desk and studied a new contract that her new CFO, Carrie, sent in with the interoffice mail. Time was money, after all, and soon she’d lose two whole weeks. It would be good to reconnect with her wife, but this was a precarious time for Lara as she oriented the new CFO. She decided she would take her tablet and laptop and sneak in a few hours each day of work while Sophia was sleeping. The financial world did not stop just because she had a delicate situation to resolve.
    The commotion she heard outside of her office did not register with her at the time as she focused on the contract in front of her.


    Rachel was so anxious to see her wife that for once she was not only on time for their lunch date, but she’d made it to the office a few minutes early. When she burst through the doors, she noticed two very attractive women standing in front of Chandra.
    “Hi, Chandra.” Rachel held up her hand. “I know can you believe it, I’m early for our lunch date. Is the

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