The Two Week Wait

The Two Week Wait by Sarah Rayner Page A

Book: The Two Week Wait by Sarah Rayner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Rayner
Tags: Fiction, General
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back. ‘Well imagine, in the future, if you wanted a child, and you’d both been trying for years, and then found out she couldn’t, or you
couldn’t, for whatever reason—’
    Mr Edwards coughs and looks sheepish. ‘Actually, we’ve got two children,’ he mutters.
    Cath gulps. Of course she’d assumed he was too young to be a father, just as Rich had. Though it merely appears to make her more passionate. ‘Well, you’re lucky. But it’s
not the same for us – this is the only way we can do it. If we have to, we’ll offset it against the house, our mortgage. Whatever. I’ll work harder, my husband will bust a gut;
crikey, I’ll walk the bloody streets if I have to.’ Rich can hardly believe she’s just said that, although he’s impressed by her honesty. At least she’s broken through
the phoney smiles and platitudes. ‘Don’t turn us down. I’m begging you.’
    Mr Edwards looks at his form again.
    Rich swallows his pride. ‘Please,’ he adds.
    Mr Edwards reaches for a calculator. ‘I’ll see what I can do.’
    There’s another long silence, while he taps in a succession of figures. Finally, he lifts his head.
    ‘OK . . . We can do it. But this is the last loan we can grant you until the ten thousand pounds is paid back. That is our absolute limit, I’m afraid.’

    It’s past midday and Lou is not even dressed. Several weeks have passed since her operation and she’d been planning a run to help her get fit again. At the very
least she should shower, but this online forum is fascinating.
    Hello everyone, After years of assuming our problem was my husband’s low sperm count, we went for a review of our second failed IVF to be told
apparently my eggs are ‘very, very poor quality’. I am absolutely devastated. I don’t understand how it’s taken them this long to find out. I thought I was fine. The doc
basically said there is only a 5% chance of IVF working and he did not want us to waste £5k, so suggested we go away and think about egg donation. Enquired if I had a friend/sister who might
donate. But I don’t know anyone! I feel sick and can’t stop crying. I can’t believe I am never going to have my own child. Annie33
    Annie, It must be such a shock to find out there’s an issue with your eggs. I’ve been an egg donor, and I took part in an egg-share scheme. The
idea is someone like me, who’s already going through IVF, shares their spare eggs. Might such a scheme work for you? If you look at the egg-share thread, you’ll see that you’re
not alone. There are many women who have had babies from donor eggs and they are in NO WAY NOT THEIR CHILDREN. Yes, you may need help getting there, but when that egg has been fertilized by your
partner’s sperm, grown inside you for nine months and it’s you who has carried it, nourished it and felt every movement, it is most definitely your baby. I also believe a child is what
they become because of the love they receive from their parents and the experiences and lifestyle they are given. I hope with time you start to feel the same and can have your own child even if
it’s not genetically ‘yours’. Shadow
    Hi Annie33, I believe it takes real bravery to accept egg donation from someone you don’t know. Due to my ethnic background, it took many months to
find someone suited to my eggs but now they have found a woman who is. I really think it’s God’s will that two strangers can have such a magical relationship, and one day your child
will understand how much you want to be a mum, and thank you for the journey you have been through. Rainbow Girl
    I wish Sofia could read this, Lou thinks. Then she might not be so cynical.
    *  *  *
    ‘We’ll see you back at the house, shall we?’ says Cath.
    Rich turns to his father-in-law. ‘Fancy another, Peter? They’ll be a while, I’ll bet.’
    Peter drains his pint. ‘Same again, please.’
    ‘Looks as if it’s going to be a nice afternoon,’ says Judy, as she and Cath

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