The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide
vampire living in the sewers of London
    PLACE OF ORIGIN : London, England
    HAIR COLOR : Blond
    EYE COLOR : Blue (human); gold/black (vampire)
    HEIGHT : 6’2”
    PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION : Carlisle has a well-toned medium frame, collar-length hair, and movie-star good looks. He has a slight English accent from his youth, although he can speak with a flawless American accent.
    SPECIAL ABILITIES : He does not possess a quantifiable supernatural ability.
    EDUCATION/OCCUPATION : He has attended many universities, both as a student and as a professor. He has studied a variety of subjects, ranging from science to music, and typically works as a doctor.
    HOBBIES : He collects art and books.
    VEHICLE : A black Mercedes S55 AMG
    FAMILY/COVEN RELATIONSHIPS : He is married to Esme Cullen and considers Edward Cullen, Rosalie Hale, Emmett Cullen, Alice Cullen, and Jasper Hale his children; Bella Cullen his daughter-in-law; and Renesmee Cullen his granddaughter.
    Carlisle’s father was his only family. His mother died giving birth to him, and he had no siblings.
    An Anglican pastor, Carlisle’s father was a crusader against evil, leading hunts through London and the surroundingareas for witches, werewolves, and vampires. Self-righteous and compassionless, Carlisle’s father caused many innocent people to be burned.
    When he grew too old, he put Carlisle in charge of these raids. However, Carlisle had a very different temperament. He was not as quick to see evil where there was none. He was smart and persistent, though, and he eventually discovered an actual coven of vampires living in the sewers. He gathered a group of hunters and they waited for darkness to fall, suspecting that this was when the vampires would come out.
    When a thirsty vampire did emerge, he attacked the hunters. Two were killed and Carlisle was wounded. Knowing that anything infected by the monster would be burned, Carlisle hid himself in a nearby cellar. During the transformation he never cried out, despite the agony he felt. When it was finally over and he realized what he had become, he was horror-struck. He tried to destroy himself by jumping from great heights and attempting to drown himself. When these methods didn’t work, he tried to starve himself to death.
    A newborn vampire’s thirst is overwhelming, but Carlisle found the strength to resist. Months passed, and Carlisle, filled with self-loathing, kept to the loneliest places he could find, places where he wouldn’t stumble across a human. He understood his willpower was weakening.
    One night a herd of deer passed by and, crazed with thirst, Carlisle attacked without thinking. After feeding, he felt his strength and sense of self return, and he realized he could live without killing human beings. He would feed on animals, just as he always had, drinking their blood now instead of eating their flesh.
    Knowing that his father would hate him no matter how he lived his new life, Carlisle never returned home. He watched his father a few times from a distance but never made contact.
    Carlisle had always been eager to learn, and now he had unlimited time. By night he studied music, science, and medicine in the universities of Europe. During his travels Carlisle encountered others of his kind. Most vampires Carlisle crossed paths with responded to his natural amicability; in this way he is a novelty among vampires.
The vampires of this coven were very different from the sewer-dwellers of London. They were refined and cultured, and Carlisle admired their civility.
    While studying in Italy in the early 1700s, Carlisle was discovered by the Volturi, an ancient coven of vampires founded by Aro, Caius, and Marcus. The vampires of this coven were very different from the sewer-dwellers of London. They were refined and cultured, and Carlisle admired their civility. But Aro, Caius, and Marcus never stopped trying to change Carlisle’s aversion to what they called his “natural food source,” and

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