The Truth She Knew

The Truth She Knew by J.A. Owenby

Book: The Truth She Knew by J.A. Owenby Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.A. Owenby
sometimes and sit under my oak tree. Have a seat and join me.” She smiled and pointed at the available chair.
    I pulled the chair out from the small table and sat down.
    “ I’m sure whatever Linda said is a lot to take in. I can only guess, not having all the details.” She arranged her oxygen tank at her side as she shifted in her chair. “It was my idea.”
    “ What do you mean?” I asked. I wrapped my arms around myself and leaned back into the outdoor chair.
    “ When Walker called me last night, he was so upset, Lacey. He wouldn’t tell me exactly what happened, but he wanted to talk to your mother.”
    “ What? Oh my God, Susan, no! He can’t do that!” I shot forward in my chair as my eyes grew wide at the thought of Walker showing up at my house.
    “ I realized that. That’s why I told him to bring you here and suggested you talk to Linda. It was all me.”
    “ Why would you want to help me? I don’t even know you,” I said as I leaned back again.
    “ Well, you do now.” She laughed, which was followed by a coughing fit.
    “ Susan, I’m sorry.”
    “ Lacey, you need to stop apologizing. None of this is your fault, honey. You didn’t ask for problems with your mom, nor did you ask Walker, myself, or Linda to help you. There are some things I can still do before I leave this earth. If one of them includes helping you, then I gladly accept.”
    I leaned forward and rested my head in my hands as I cried. No one had ever said anything like that to me before. Susan remained silent as I cried.
    “ I’m a mess,” I said as I tried to wipe away my smeared makeup. My eyes had already been puffy from the crying and lack of sleep even before I came over.
    “ Did Linda tell you?”
    “ No, and she won’t. Walker won’t either. It’ll need to come from you.”
    “ Okay,” I said and bit my bottom lip. “Linda thinks my mom might have a mental illness.”
    “ I’m sure that’s a lot to think about,” Susan said.
    I nodded. “I don’t know what to think right now. Mama always told me it was my fault she acted like she does.”
    “ That’s a lot of power she’s giving you.”
    “ What?” I asked, surprised. “I don’t have any power, or I’d be able to make Mama stop hitting Patsy or throwing me on the floor . . .” My voice trailed off as I realized what I’d said. “She’s not a bad person, Susan. I love her very much.”
    “ I know you do, or you wouldn’t have protected her secrets this long. The hard part is understanding that you can’t save her, nor is it your job to do so. She’s grown, she knows right from wrong, and she also realizes that help is a phone call away. Your mother sounds like an intelligent woman.”
    “ She is,” I nodded.
    “ So are you, Lacey. Take some time to think about everything Linda talked to you about. You can talk to her, Walker, or me anytime.”
    “ Thank you,” I said.
    “ You’re always welcome,” she said and flashed me a warm smile.

Chapter 18
    “ Hey,” Walker said as he crawled into his bed next to me.
    “ Hey,” I whispered as his strong arms wrapped around me. “I guess I fell asleep. It’s all this stupid crying.”
    “ It’s okay, I wanted to check on you,” Walker said and brushed my cheek with a kiss.
    I rolled over to face him.
    “ I feel like hell. My eyes burn from crying,”
    “ You’re beautiful, and your eyes are even greener if that’s possible.”
    “ What time is it?” I asked as I rubbed my face.
    “ It’s six o’ clock,” he replied.
    I sighed and peered out his bedroom window at the large oak tree.
    “ Walker, what if your aunt is right? What if nothing’s wrong with me?”
    “ I have no doubt in my mind that she’s right, Lace. I knew there must’ve been something going on with your mom even before we talked last night, but what you told me took it to a different level. She can’t hit anyone. That’s never okay.”
    “ If she’s sick, how did I not know? How did I not see it?”

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