The Training (Book 3: The Submissive Trilogy)

The Training (Book 3: The Submissive Trilogy) by Tara Sue Me

Book: The Training (Book 3: The Submissive Trilogy) by Tara Sue Me Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tara Sue Me
collected the bags and started back inside.
    “I’m putting the two of you in the guest room down the hall from our room,” he said. “I hope Sam doesn’t keep you up all night.”
    “We’ll be fine.”
    We made it back inside, and he set Abby’s suitcase by the door, excusing himself to step inside the den, where Abby and Christine talked quietly. He placed a hand on Christine’s shoulder, leaned down, and whispered something to her. Christine said something I couldn’t hear and got up to walk into the kitchen after placing a kiss on Paul’s cheek.
    Paul motioned for me to join him in the den.
    “Nathaniel and I are going to step into my office for a bit,” he told Abby. “I won’t keep him long.”
    She nodded.
    “We’ll be back shortly,” I told her. I knew Christine would make her feel at home, but I didn’t want to be gone from her side for long.
    “Yes, sir,” she said with a quick glance to the floor.
    It was the first time she’d called me ‘sir’ in the presence of someone else, and I wasn’t prepared for the fire that pounded through me. I fought the urge to jerk my head to the guest room and command her to meet me there. To take her hard and fast . . .
    “Nathaniel?” Paul said.
    Paul’s office hadn’t changed much since I’d last seen it. I noticed our checklists on his desk.
    “Little light reading?” I asked, sitting down in a spare chair.
    “Just in between bouts of colic.”
    “What have you decided for tomorrow?”
    “Well.” He picked up one list. “She looks to be rather adventuresome, even though she has limited experience. The thing that stood out to me, though, was her hard limit on canes.”
    I nodded.
    “I taught you about canes,” he said. “You’re an expert with them.”
    “I think I’ll use the cane on Christine tomorrow, show Abby they aren’t to be feared.”
    Part of me thought it was a good idea, to show her how a cane could be wielded when not used for punishment. Paul could use the cane; then Abby and I could discuss it. Abby and Christine could discuss it.
    But I remembered a conversation just weeks before, the fear in her eyes as she spoke about the case in Singapore, and I knew now was not the time to introduce her to canes. Not our second weekend of play.
    “No,” I said.
    He raised an eyebrow.
    “It’s one of her hard limits,” I said. “And since we’re starting what will hopefully be a long-term, if not permanent, relationship, I want to move slowly.”
    “Long-term, if not permanent,” he repeated.
    “It’s just hard to believe you’re the same man I flew to New York to help months ago.”
    “I’ve had a lot of help,” I said. “A lot of forgiveness and a lot more love than I deserve.”
    “Everyone deserves love. I’m glad you finally realized that. I’m glad Abby didn’t give up on you.”
    “Right,” I said. “So I’m not going to repay her by making herwatch a caning scene the second weekend she’s wearing my collar.”
    “Good point,” he said. “Someone’s taught you well.”
    “Fucking hell. Don’t go getting a big head.”
    He laughed. “Remember one thing for me.”
    “What’s that?”
    “This is new to you,” he said. “New to Abby. Don’t try to make it exactly like your previous relationships. It’s not. It’s okay to change the rules or make new ones.”
    “Thanks. I needed to hear that.”
    He smiled. “I know you did.”
    His words rang in my head an hour later as Abigail walked into the bedroom from the adjoining bathroom.
    She looked around the room and then dropped her eyes to scan the floor, probably looking for where she was to sleep.
    I’d thought many times over the last week how the night would go. What we would do as far as sleeping arrangements.
    I turned the corner of the bed down. “I’d like for you to share my bed tonight, Abigail.”
    Her eyes grew large.
    “You’re free to turn me down, of course,” I said. “I did tell you to speak freely this

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