The Tiger Within

The Tiger Within by Amanda Anderson

Book: The Tiger Within by Amanda Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Anderson
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    The beast paced as he watched the beautiful women lying beside him. He’d known what she was the moment he’d laid eyes on her, the day she was born. His mate. Her scent reached out to him and he inhaled deeply. It was rich and spicy with the slightest hint of something he could not identify. The warmth that spread through his body only made him more sure that she was his.
    She was the most magnificent creature he had ever seen. Her silver hair was spred about her as pale as the moon beams dancing on her skin. He closed his eyes. Her eyes rivaled the summer sky for brilliance. She was the one bright star in his life.
    She was ready now. She was feeling the changes in her body. She would soon understand them. He would teach her the ways of their people. He would have to get around her father first, but there was no denying her awakening was near. Her father would sense it upon his return. The beast sighed, he would have to work fast before her father discovered his intentions. Others would smell her too and flock to her in hopes that they might win her and deny him an heir. She would have no other. He was her only mate. He’d watched the others sniff around her tonight until he thought he’d burst. He hadn’t marked her, but he’d left enough scent to warn the others. If any were fool enough to test him? He would kill them. If any were stupid enough to try to claim her? He would destroy their entire family. His kind only had one mate and she was his only chance at happiness. She was his only chance to help save his dying race. He would not fail.
    She lay still naked and exhausted. They had explored one another thoroughly. He regretted having to take those memories from her, the freedom he had given her would only strengthen her for the trials she would soon face, but, he knew, it was for the best. He would keep them for her and return them when she was ready.
    He nuzzled her breasts and ran his rough tongue across one pink tip. He then rubbed his body against hers. She arched toward him even in slumber. He allowed himself one final scent of her feminine heat. He nuzzled his nose into the crisp curls between her legs and inhaled deeply, savoring her sweetness. He would taste her soon, but not yet.
    He leapt from her balcony and crouched low in the shadows of her garden as he watched her awaken, his amber-green eyes focusing through the darkness to take in her form. He could smell her confusion and her fear. He could also smell her hunger.
    “Soon,” he thought. “Soon I will reveal everything to you, sweet Amelia, but not yet. I will wait a short while longer, but not forever my love. Prepare yourself for me,” and with that he slipped soundlessly away.

    Chapter One
    Lady Amelia Talbot shivers in the darkness. She pulled herself from sleep only to find that she was lying naked on the balcony of her bedroom in Talbot house. How had she gotten here and where were her clothes? She remembered dancing at the ball last evening at the house of Lord and Lady Mowbray. She remembered dancing with several gentlemen and later walking with the Scottish Laird, Henry Stewart, on the terrace. The rest was a blur. She recalled dancing with the other gentlemen and feeling ill at their touch and begging to be brought home. She knew she had arrived home even though she did not remember the ride. She vaguely recalled dressing for bed and opening the balcony doors, but the rest was completely gone. She had no memory of the night at all, only feelings. She remembered feeling free. She remembered the rush of air through her hair. She remembered heat. Her body shivered as she remembered the soul searing heat as it surrounded her and consumed her.
    She stood on aching legs and made her way into her bedroom. Perhaps no one had seen her. As she stepped through the door she found her night dress. It was shredded. What could have happened? It made no sense at all.
    She made her way to the large mirror that stood in her

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