The Tiger Within

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Book: The Tiger Within by Amanda Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Anderson
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room. She was not the least bit missish as most girls were. She was fascinated with her body. She looked at her reflection carefully to make sure she was not injured. She looked no different. She lifted her long silver blonde hair and inspected her back, nothing unusual, other than the small dark stripe that bisected her back at the base of her spine, and even that was normal for her. She ran her hands along her own body and felt her muscles tighten. She was sore from exertion she did not recall. Her breasts felt heavy and appeared fuller. The rosy tips were rigid and erect. She felt as though she had not only awakened from sleep, but that she had awakened in an altogether different way as well, but the feeling was familiar somehow too.
    Confused and utterly exhausted she fell into bed without dressing. She tossed for an hour before her exhausted mind drifted off in a fitful sleep. Sleep filled with dreams of wild animals chasing her, no not animals, only one, only him.
    She was awakened by the sound of a bustling Mrs. Chambers, her abigail.
    “Good heavens child, get out of bed. You need to eat a bit of something and get dressed. You have a gentleman caller who will be here in an hour.”
    Amelia pulled the blankets closer around herself, knowing Mrs. Chambers disapproved of her sleeping unclothed. “It’s too early to accept visitors. I don’t wish to see anyone today.”
    “No, ‘tis not too early. You my lady have slept the day clean away. You cannay send this one away either. Your mother is all in a dither.” She lowered her voice and spoke again. “Apparently your father does nay approve of this gentleman, but since he is away until this evening…” She trailed off with a shrug and began preparing Amelia’s clothing.
    “So Mother has decided to go against Father’s wishes?” Amelia asked wearing a scandalized expression they both knew was feigned. “That seems drastic, even for Mother. Who is he? And why such a fuss over him?”
    “He is Laird of Stewart clan and a very powerful man here in London as well. Henry Stewart, you danced with him last evening, and you must look your best. It would be a good match for you, youngling,” she said and smiled at Amelia. “He would be a man worthy of ye, lass, if there is such a man.”
    Amelia had turned pale at the mention of his name. She felt that heat sizzle over her skin again and she almost moaned at the sensation. She was able to hold back all but the smallest sigh, but it was enough. Her maid was giving her peculiar looks so she decided to get up and do as she was told. As soon as the bed clothes fell away she was met with the disapproving stare of her lady’s maid.
    “You should not sleep without your night dress, my Lady. I cannay understand why no one in this house can see the perils of such behavior. Your own father says ‘e cannay see the harm in it. God’s bones child!” She said flinging her arms out from her sides. “I will wager not another lass in London sleeps in naught but her skin!”
    Amelia ignored the, now familiar, lecture and pulled on her dressing gown. She sat down to her breakfast not knowing what she ate. Why did that man make her feel so odd? She felt as if she knew him. She was so familiar. Perhaps it was only the ambiance of last evening. She would see him today only to test out her theory. If he still made her feel odd after their encounter today, then she would refuse to see him again.
    With her mind made up, she finished her breakfast and began the endless tortures of getting dressed and allowing Mrs. Chambers to arrange her hair.

    Chapter Two
    Laird Henry Stewart approached the door of Talbot House and it was swung open before he was able to knock. He smiled to himself when he was shown into the front salon and announced to Lady Richard Talbot, Countess of Euston. She was behind the ready acceptance of his calling card this morning. She understood his need, somehow more so than her husband. She was

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