The Three-Week Arrangement (Chase Brothers)

The Three-Week Arrangement (Chase Brothers) by Sarah Ballance Page B

Book: The Three-Week Arrangement (Chase Brothers) by Sarah Ballance Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Ballance
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that bed with a certain green-eyed hottie…at least until she realized why the bed was rumpled.
    The dog jerkedawake, and her tail wagged harder and harder until she’d rattled herself to her feet. Without thinking, Rue sank onto the bed and gave the poor ugly mutt a big hug. “You adopted her?”
    He grinned, and she melted. “She deserved a home,” he said, “and she can hang out in the office while I’m at work. She’ll get plenty of love.”
    “You are seriously amazing.” Rue blinked back a whole armyof tears. She had a soft spot for Shaggy, but even she had to admit the poor thing was a bit terrifying to look at. Her chances of ever finding a home were pretty much zero. Or they had been.
    Ethan shrugged. “She’s probably the lowest-maintenance dog ever. She has about fifteen hairs on her body. It’s not like she’s going to shed everywhere.”
    Rue fell back on the bed and hugged herold friend. She kind of wished she could hug Ethan instead, but he was Ethan . Now officially the sweetest guy she knew, but he was hedging past off-limits and speeding full-tilt toward complicated.
    And then he upped that by lying on the bed next to her. Granted, the dog was between them—this was so about Shaggy—but they were still horizontal. Where he slept. And of course it meant nothingto him because the only zone he had was a friend zone, but he’d just done what had to be the most accidentally romantic thing ever. And she was the one he wanted to share that with.
    Shaggy chose that moment to wriggle free of her contented heap and shuffle closer to Ethan.
    Rue snorted and stretched to scratch under the dog’s chin. “I see she has her favorite.”
    “I did bring herhome.”
    As he spoke, Shaggy got up, gave them both plaintive looks, and jumped off the bed.
    “Well then,” he said. “I stand corrected.”
    “She loves you. She’d be crazy not to, and now you can honestly tell anyone who asks that you have another woman in your life.”
    He rolled over to his side and faced her. “I think that’s my cue for a confession. I know you love her, and Ikind of hoped you’d want to stop in and see her between trips to the edges of the earth.”
    “Ethan Chase, you are not using that dog.” She poked him in the abs, finding them terrifically hard, and barely had time to swoon before he grabbed the offending finger. And then he closed his hand around her smaller one, dragging warmth from every corner of her soul.
    Common sense fled, and shewanted harder than she’d ever wanted anything. Her belly flip-flopped as if she was twelve and her crush had just smiled at her. But hadn’t he?
    “You’re wrong about two things,” he said. “One, I’m not using the dog. I’ll take the fringe benefits, should there be any, but she needed someone, and I’m beginning to realize I did, too.”
    She mentally counted the inches between them. Maybefifteen, and no dog in the way. And holy hell, were his eyes ever bright against the muted gray comforter. Everything about the man was intense, from the hardness of his body—no need to go there —to the platinum streaks in his hair. His hands were rough, but he held her so tenderly that she knew some of her unshed tears were as much for him as they were for knowing Shaggy had a home. She achedto know a man who cared so much had been so deeply devastated by life. That a love like his had been lost.
    That she’d never, ever know anything like it.
    But somehow just having him there, her hand in his, was enough. She could go have a dozen flings and never have this kind of intimacy.
    She blinked back the resurging threat of tears. “What else am I wrong about?”
    “I don’thave another woman in my life.”
    “Well, she’s a dog, but still—”
    “I have two.”
    He reached over with their joined hands and knuckled away an escaped tear. “Just don’t lose my number. Good friends are hard to find.”
    Dammit, she wasn’t supposed to cry. But

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