The Tango
    He watched my chest rise and fall with interest. Using his spare hand, he pulled my sweater up and pulled down my tank top along with my bra underneath so that my breasts were supported by the material, leaving them exposed and clustered. Trailing his hand down my stomach, he unbuttoned my jeans and shoved it inside my pants as his grip tightened on my throat. I heard the sound of my arousal as he plunged his fingers inside. I was dripping. He stroked me roughly as he squeezed my neck. I screamed out when he drew two fingers up to my clit and pinched it. To my whine, he smirked. I had to keep cool; apparently, my pain fueled him. I wondered if my moans would do the same.
    Rhys was one beautifully pissed off man.
    “Tonight I will exhaust you, sate you and make you hungrier at the same time. You will think of nothing but my cock until you come, begging me to do it all over again.” He grabbed my chin roughly, forcing me to meet his eyes. “Eyes on mine at all times, Mrs. Harvell, or I will it make it more painful than it has to be.”
    He soothed my now aching clit with my wetness as he stared at my nipples. Taking one with his mouth, he pulled and sucked hard as I writhed beneath him and arched my back, begging for more. He bit down on my nipple and I jumped in his hold as it grew tighter. I thrashed my head back and forth, caught somewhere between heaven and hell. And just as suddenly as he started, I found myself alone at the door, gasping and holding my neck.
    He undressed slowly, his back to me.
    “Take off your clothes,” he barked, making me jump out of my skin. I felt the pinch in my clit, the soreness in my neck, and more than anything else, the need in me. I stripped down quickly as I admired his beautiful broad shoulders and the curve of his perfect ass sitting on top of his thighs. I was dying to ogle the front of him, but he refused to turn around. He stood underneath the chandelier filled with hanging ribbons and gestured for me to come to him. As soon as I was within reach, he gripped my wrist, yanking me closer, and tied the ribbon into a smooth knot, pulling the other side down so it dangled my hand over my head. Once both hands were suspended, he moved to my legs, tying a longer piece of silk to each of them. I was hanging like a rag doll. He tested the hold by pulling on one of the ribbons and my arm stretched painfully.
    “Perfect,” he said as he watched my reaction. I had no idea why his anger spiked my arousal, but it turned me on more than anything. I gave him a wicked grin and saw surprise in his eyes.
    Bring it, baby .
    He shifted behind me, smoothing my skin with his hands. He ran his hand up and down my sex, then shoved his fingers into my mouth without warning. I sucked hard, taking my arousal off of him. I felt his cock bump me from behind as he circled me. Stopping in front of me with a sneer, he leaned in, his breath hot on my skin.
    “I’m going to let you ride my cock tonight, but you won’t be in control. Nice and slow, Mrs. Harvell, or I’ll make it hurt.”
    I stood on my toes, practically hanging from my arms, the burn becoming more intense by the second. I whimpered and was scolded by the slap of his hand hard on my ass. I kept my yelp to myself as his eyes challenged me. I wanted to drink him in, to admire his beautifully muscled chest and mouthwatering cock. Instead, I was forced to face his cold eyes and unforgiving expression.
    As soon as the burn in my arms started becoming intolerable, he lifted me up quickly to straddle him, filling my pussy with his thick shaft. I swallowed air and clawed his back, holding myself to his chest as I adjusted to him. Hearing a rush of air escape him, I moaned and he pulled back, glaring at me. I wanted to move but knew better. My arms were now hanging limply above me, due to the slack of being held up, and although I felt a small amount of relief, they were becoming numb. The sensation of being filled by his thick dick and the

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