The Spirit Survives

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Book: The Spirit Survives by Gary Williams Ramsey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gary Williams Ramsey
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in their system. I crawled to the spot where they were, picked them up by their tails, and carried them back to my base.
    I seized the knife and made small cuts in the stomach area. Some blood flowed and a distinctive smell came from the rats. I wanted the blood and the smell of their entrails to draw the attention of the snake and the wolf. I threw one rat to the area behind the rocks where I had last seen the snake. Another one I threw to the wolf’s area. There was probably not enough cocaine in the rats’ systems to kill either one, but I was depending on enough to sedate both. I wrapped the last rat in the piece of aluminum foil in case a back-up was needed.
    The wolf smelled the rat and turned his head away. Maybe he was too full of Cherokee’s flesh to be hungry. When he did get hungry, with his bad leg, the food in front of him was more convenient than to endure the pain to go to Cherokee’s body.
    My plan was simply this: I couldn’t continue to have to worry about the wolf getting tired of the stale meat of the dead body and come after me. If the cocaine sedated him, I could tie his feet to eliminate the threat. I didn’t have it in me to let him starve, so when he was secured, I would, when necessary, place pieces of the dead body in front of his mouth to eat. As far as the snake goes, when sedated, I planned to kill it and eat it.
    Dizziness suddenly overcame me, and I must have passed out.  
      The cool mist of the night fell upon me as I dreamed and floated in the stars in the thoughts of Leah. My spirit flew with the angels as we searched each cloud for her presence. I was crippled in the search because a piece of my heart was missing. Like a thief in the night, she took it away and left an open wound that will never heal without her presence. In the past, I was complete within myself. That state no longer exists. The thoughts of Leah are warm and gentle and welcome, but only remind me of the pleasure of being with her.
      So the sweet angels continued to help my crippled spirit search the clouds for her. I don’t know if she was hiding or lost in the confusion of life. The angels told me in silent reassurances that their father did not create loneliness. He created love and allowed its fragile purity to enter the paradox of life. The variable of his most treasured creation is intensity, allowing mutual intensity of love to overcome all paradoxes.
    As I searched and searched the night away, I saw occasional glimpses of her beauty in the sunset and sunrise. My intensity was shattering and sometimes I enjoyed the temporary healing of my wounds within dreams of her.
    The thoughts of Leah kept me from dying.
    I was in a daze as these thoughts rambled through my mind. It became extremely difficult to think straight. Half asleep and half awake, I slapped my face hard. My Navy Seal training had taught me that you can hallucinate from sleep deprivation, starvation , or dehydration. I was suffering from all three. I must get something to eat, or I would slip into a coma. I looked down and my eyes settled on Cherokee’s pack of cigarettes. I grabbed the smokes and stuffed four of them in my mouth and chewed. The taste was rancid but the nicotine should give me a boost, so I could complete my plan. I swallowed the tobacco, paper and all.
    After a few moments, the dizziness subsided. I looked in the direction of the wolf and noticed that the rat was gone. I picked up a couple of rocks and hurled them at the wolf. Both rocks hit him, but he didn’t move. I got the rope from my backpack, cut off two pieces, and crawled to the wolf. I almost gagged while passing Cherokee’s stinking body.
    The wolf didn’t move as I tied his feet together. After completing the task, I crawled back to my home base. I no longer had to worry about the wolf attacking me in my sleep.
    Now if I can only find that damn snake!

    Chapter 28
    The Tomahawk police department was a model of efficiency and service in the small Wisconsin

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